What excursions worth visiting in Morshin?


The Ukrainian resort of Morshin is undoubtedly located in an incredibly convenient geographical location in order to carry out a variety of excursions in the surrounding area and the Carpathian Mountains. For example, from here you can go to Lake Synevir, which is actually the most famous in the country. Very often called "Carpathian Pearl" and thousands of travelers come here every year.

Lake Sidevir is the most valuable natural treasure, located in the National Park of the same name, and of course one of the numerous business cards of the Ukrainian Carpathians. The lake is located at an altitude of 989 meters from the sea level. On average, its water stroit area is about 4 to 5 hectares, and the depth of the water of the lake reaches from 8 to 10 meters. In some places, Lake Sidevir deeper even than the Sea of ​​Azov.

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One of the most exciting excursions, all tourists, without exception, consider visiting the cliffs of Dovbush. These giant stones and huge rocks created by nature itself, with powerful forms something remind of their appearance incredible silhouettes of some fantastic creatures. Some tourists even believe that each rock depicts some part of the body of the National Ukrainian Hero of Oleksa Dovbush.

The park "Rocks Dovbush" is located geographically on the border of Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv regions, and this place is considered almost the most mystical tourist object in the Carpathian region. Arriving here and being surrounded by fancy stone volcanic giants, you actually feel yourself somewhere outside the real world.

Well, naturally, the guide will certainly tell you a huge number of legends and secrets with which this ancient sanctuary is connected. The researchers of this region consider even that the history of these rocks is directly related to Celtic tribes that inhabited the Carpathians in the first millennium to our era and even worshiped the big stones. Then it was the real pagan sanctuary with the altars.

In the interval between the three Carpathian rivers - Stryo, Mizunka and opir is the park "Skolevsky Beskids". Here you can see numerous waterfalls, very rare animals and a picturesque Tustan Reserve, as well as more than hundreds of years old, and the oldest spruce. Park "Skolevski Beskids" is essentially a district where pedestrian, water and ski tourism are possible.

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This National Natural Park occupies, perhaps most of the Skole region and even some sites belonging to neighboring areas - Drohobych and Turkovsky in the Lviv region. Skole Beskids, no doubt, are one of the most beautiful places to relax on the territory of Ukraine.

In addition, such well-known Ukrainian resorts such as Morshin, Skhodnik, Truskavets and Slavic are located near this fleet. Park is located in the valleys of the river rivers and opir and of course therefore there are excellent opportunities also for water tourism. Recently, ski tourism has also been actively developed here. Then you should not forget that more than three dozen balneological mineral springs are located on the territory of this park.

Of course, it is necessary to go to the spitting waterfall, which is the most fulfillment on the territory of Transcarpathia. However, the best time for contemplating his overflows is spring and summer. Every year, starting from 1993, a non-formal festival is held near the waterfall, where hippies and representatives of various subcultures are coming out from the entire territory of Ukraine.

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Then very colorfully there is a holiday of Ivan Kupala in accordance with all local traditions and a flavor. Shipping Waterfall is a very popular tourist destination, and special bus tours of various boarding houses and sanatoriums are organized here from various boarding houses and Sanatoriums in Transcarpathia.

Another beautiful waterfall that can be visited by being on vacation in Morshin is Manyava, consisting in essence of the three stormy cascades. According to ancient legends, if you listen to it, you can even hear Karpathian nymph. The height of the waterfall is approximately 7 meters, and it is considered to be right in one of the highest in Ukraine.

Water flows down several cascades and near the foot of the waterfall is formed a small lake, in which you can even swim in cool and clean water. Locals believe that this water has rejuvenating properties. Also in this lake there is a powerful energy, because once in antiquity they worshiped the patrons of youth.

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