What should I see in Svalyava?


In the Svalyava itself, it is necessary to pay special attention to the main religious attraction, besides, which is a model of lemmer folk creativity, that is, an old distinctive Mikhailovsky Church, which was built back in 1588 from a tree without a single nail. Despite the fact that this church is pretty a solid age, nevertheless, it remains still unusually beautiful.

Even at present, the church is acting, and in it is on the storage of church Slavonic literature, as well as all the books of registration that are related to the birth, with deaths and marriages of local residents. This masterpiece of architecture can be found in the southern part of the settlement near the little cemetery.

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Initially, the temple was built on a hill, but in 1630 he was transferred to the place where it is actually located now. In the eighteenth century, the Mikhailovsky Church was completely reconstructed. The main decoration of this temple is a high tower with various elements made in the baroque style. In the church there is an open gallery with columns covered with carvings. A temple gates are distinguished by openwork and very sophisticated carvings, in principle they can even be considered gilded and painted details.

In addition to the Mikhailovsky Temple, the Roman Catholic Church, built at the end of the XIX century, and the Greek Catholic Church of the Exaltation of the Virgin Mary can also be explored at the resort. If you are interested in religious buildings, then in the vicinity of the Svalyava you can see another masterpiece of wooden architecture in the village - the church consecrated in honor of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. Well, in the area of ​​the Versetsky Pass, if you go there on a tour, you can see fragments of an ancient castle related to the ninth-fourteenth centuries, which are located on the right bank of the Latiable River.

Near the foot of the powerful Carpathian mountains in the place where the swampy wasteland had previously been pretty, now the Holy Trinity-Cyril Methodius Women's Monastery is located. If you arrive here in the summer, you can make a widow in love with well-kept flowering flower beds and green lawns.

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There are also artificial reservoirs that are posted by natural stone. The cathedral temple itself, which was erected in honor of the Blessed Trinity, is essentially a cross-domed four-column one-eyed building. It was built in the true style of Old Russian architecture. Currently, the monastery is valid and nuns live in it and work. However, tourists can safely visit the temple of the Holy Trinity and bow the shrines inhabitants, as well as pray for the Fedorov icon of the Mother of God.

Not far from the village of Sinyak to the tract, which has the same name, on the slope of the mountain range is an incredibly scenic blue lake, which has a rather significant area of ​​30 hectares. It is noteworthy that its water has enough healing properties. There is a given miracle of nature at a height of about 600 meters from the sea level. Scientists historians suggest that the lake was formed in the crater of the fallen volcano.

Also on the shores of this natural reservoir, it is quite possible to see the fragments of unusual rock rocks of incredibly bizarre forms. Also, the natural sights of the Svalyava include rock rocks of the blue color belonging to the glacial periods that are under the vertex of Mount Bus. They also occupy a pretty impressive area in 30 hectares.

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On the Latherette River there is a very pretty island with the unusual name "March Margarita". You can see it in the northeast of the city. He has long been chosen by fisherman, but in principle, in the warm time of the year you can swim here, and in general there are fun. Also in Svalyava, it is necessary to pay attention to a very unique natural attraction, which is an Obavel stone presumably considered a volcanic crater.

Scientists believe that he was fulfilled at least 20 million years. And if you get there, you will see that there are various shrubs with herbs in a huge amount and you can even collect blueberries. But tourists necessarily come here in order to sit on the edge of the cliff and admire amazingly beautiful landscapes. Someone enjoys silence and tranquility, someone rides on mountain biking, and someone fries kebabs.

Back in 1998, the historical museum was opened on the territory of the Svalyava and now there is a huge number of exhibits of various directions - economic, searching, educational and exposure. In the museum you can also see the vintage items related to the life and the life of local residents, the tools of labor used for agriculture and also for popular dominant fishery, that is, clothes were made here.

You can see in the Museum of photographs with publications related to the history of the Svalyava and the surrounding settlements. Here is the interior of the house from the village of Chernik, the second half of the XIX - middle of the XX century. Also in the museum you can familiarize yourself with the historical documents of the region dedicated to spiritual and public figures, and also with wooden cult architecture.

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