Rest in Carolino-Bugaz: how to get?


First of all, Bugaz is actually a braid, which is located between Odessa and Belgorod-Dniester. In general, this is considered to be all one village separated only to areas that have the same names with railway stations located on their territory.

These areas include Karolino-Bugaz, which include Student Station, Nagornaya and Actually Carolino-Bugaz, then Liman, then Marine, Friendship, Solar and Already Bugaz, to which the stalk belongs. Do not confuse Bugaz with Carolino-Bugaz, because the first is oblique, coming from Carolino-Bugaz up to the shutters itself. That is, the edible is essentially the end of the braid.

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Although administratively, they are considered one whole, but on the fact these terrain differ very much among themselves. Just do not go to the downtime, you should not stop at all than the Carolino-Bugaz station, because everything that is next is essentially a trash. If in Carolino-Bugaz, it is quite possible to see the nature of the nature and completely small beaches, then in the downturn, instead of the sea, a completely muddy driver already instead of the sea and the tractor is periodically driven in order to upload bananas, water scooters and other nonsense. And instead of the beach there is a lively covering of people and also garbage near them.

Carolino-Bugaz is located 50 kilometers from Odessa. In general, you can first see the railway message immediately, because from Kiev there is a direct train. Well, from Odessa can be reached by several options. For example, the city's central railway station can easily be reached for 100 hryvnia on spripers. Drive about 40 minutes. The minus is, of course, overpays, well, plus what it is fast and comfortable.

Then Google, for example, offers municipal buses worth 30 hryvnia, but in fact the driver takes them from you 50 hryvnia and even managed not to travel to the village. In the season, the buses go with an interval of about 7 minutes and it sits on them from the other side of the main entrance of the railway station. The queues and terrible brush as if the bus would be the last.

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Inside it is very stuffy, it will naturally smell then and burned fuel. The bus stops at the entrance to the village, and does not even drive himself. Then you still have to look out for approximately one and a half hours, because the driver usually says - you remind me of how to approach, and then suddenly I forget. The disadvantage of such a trip is that a long time to drive and the driver can deceive. Well, the plus will be a beautiful view from the window and the fact that such a trip is not too expensive.

As an option you can go to bla-blah, which the cost of which offers Google ranges from 30 to 70 hryvnia. This option is much more optimal, because the time on the road by car is up to 40 minutes. The minus lies in the fact that such trips are not always present, because they are quickly disassembled. Well, the plus of course is a very good price, and you can choose for every taste. By car, of course, it is more comfortable by car, then you can agree with the driver so that it is letting it to the place of your placement, in order not to run around the village in the heat with suitcases. Well, most likely the car will be equipped with air conditioning.

Well, the last way that is not written in Google at all, and only local residents or experienced vacationers know about it - this is an electric train. You do not know about it, you can not be bored, they can be taken immediately after arriving at the ticket office of the railway station, and there are always free space, only the only inconvenience that you can get into the rush hour on standing places.

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However, attention! The ticket from Odessa to Carolino Bugaz is just 14 hryvnia on the train. Time on the way is about 1.30 -1.40. As a minus, there may be hot there, because the trains are not equipped with air conditioning, then you can get to standing places or in general in the attack, and indeed it is much longer than riding by car.

But here there is a undoubted plus, because on the train you can easily turn around the entire braid, and you always have a sea from the window. In addition, there are three carolino-bugase stations on the train to choose from immediately, and you can choose optimal so that it is closer to the place of your placement.

In general, Carolino-Bugaz is divided into two parts by rail, and one side is closer to the sea. If your place of accommodation is located on the part of the sea, it will be more convenient for you to approach the railway, if behind the way, it is more convenient to use the car. This is due to the fact that from the road to the sea it will be necessary to descend over a steep mountain and on a very uncomfortable descent.

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