Where is best to rest in Novokonstantinovka?


As in many other seaside resorts in Novokonstantinovka, there are also a variety of accommodation options, ranging from the room in the private sector about 10-15 minutes walk from the sea and to the rooms with all the amenities provided in the guest house or at the rescience. Moreover, you must take into account that basically the classification of rooms at this resort is very far from the world standards inherent in the hotel business, and more reflects the tastes of the owners of housing themselves.

Therefore, when you will pre-book a place to stay in advance, it is best to specify the package of your room, at all paying attention to its category. As a rule, the first line from the sea here is occupied by guesthouses along with recreation databases, but a little further on the beach there is a free space for tent townships, which very much like lovers of "wild" rest.

Where is best to rest in Novokonstantinovka? 33757_1

Of course, the fiscal view of the rest in Novokonstantinovka is to install its own tent on the seafront. It is possible to immediately notice that in this case, accommodation will cost you at all without financial costs, but complete to this you will have a complete lack of amenities and a completely deign approach to the sea.

However, your rest can overshadow the indestructive habit of "cultural" vacationers everywhere to organize natural garbage dumps right in the beach. But keep in mind that there is also a paid tent town on the tubal spit, where technical water is brought and there are also beyouts. Here the payment is charged exclusively for the parking lot, for a place for a tent and for the awning.

In the private sector, as in principle, the rooms without amenities are very often surrendered on the few recreation bases. In this case, the toilet and shower are available on site, while vacationers can use either a common or separate kitchen. Under such conditions, the main factor affecting the cost of living is the distance from the sea.

Where is best to rest in Novokonstantinovka? 33757_2

For example, in a tube that separates a few kilometers from the beach, prices are much lower. Well, the closer to the sea, the cost of similar housing becomes higher, respectively. In addition, there is still a role to play the condition of furniture and the availability of televisions, refrigerators, fans or air conditioning.

Also in Novokonstantinovka it is quite possible to remove the room with partial amenities, or with amenities on the floor. Such housing can be found in private boarding houses, at the rest bases and in guest houses. In this case, the room is usually there a washbasin, or a toilet with a washbasin. For example, such accommodation is offered - a green manor "Aist's nest" on the street of Primorskaya or the Guest House "Starfish" on the same street.

Rooms with amenities in Novokonstantinovka are mostly located near the sea and have fully equipped bathrooms, modern household appliances and new furniture. In addition, there are more options - either with a separate kitchen or with a kitchen area. Such accommodation is offered, for example, Metallurg board and recreation center "WILLALETO".

Since the resort is becoming increasingly popular and constantly developing, then the price range of housing is expanding. However, still new Novokonstantinovka still retains the status of the most, perhaps, budget resorts in the Sea of ​​Azov.

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