Where to go in Nikolaev and what to see?


In the city of Nikolaev very carefully stores many memories of great fleets and hardworking shipboards, well, of course on brave sailors. Yes, and the city in essence received their name in honor of the patron saint of navigators and travelers, that is, St. Nicholas. Despite the fact that the seas are here in essence, nevertheless, Nikolaev is literally in his opposition.

But in the old names, data to the streets, it is present everywhere -Mala and big maritime, admiral, of course the Fleet Boulevard and so on. They seem to be hung and call for strolls and of course plunge into history. Attractions in Nikolaev are not so much, so they can be quite possible for one day. You should only correct the route for a pedestrian excursion.

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Start your acquaintance with the city is best with an intersection of a garden street and central avenue. Previously, Sadovaya Street served as if a kind of border between the parts of the old Nikolaev, that is, the city and Admiralty. Well, now here is quite a cozy Square Council of Europe, protected by cute lions. Here you will see a slim silhouette as if a running barefoot girl holding a wreath from the stars, considered by a European symbol. On the plate you can read that this monument is called "Unified Europe" and that it was built even with the assistance of Arseny Yatsenyuk.

The next place to go, is the Caspourning Cathedral of the Kasperski Icon of God's Mother. This seven dome temple was built back in the nineteenth century and of course dedicated to the miraculous icon, which was brought annually in Nikolaev, and on this occasion, a procession was made.

The local residents of Holy believed that this icon was saved by Nikolaev from enemies during the Crimean War. Actually, it was in honor of those events then this temple was built. The material from which he was built, that is, the rikushnyak, unfortunately, is a robust. The original of the Kaspern icon of the Mother of God itself is in the Assumption Cathedral in Odessa, well, in the Nikolaev temple there is a beautiful copy of this miraculous icon.

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Next you need to walk a little further along the garden street until the intersection of it with Admiral. Here you will see the building, which in the people received the nickname "Admiralty". It is crowned with a characteristic turret and is actually an administrative building of the shipbuilding plant. It was built in 1951 on the place where the old admiralty was before and even on his own foundation. Before entering this building, you can see the established bust of Gregory Potemkin, which is essentially the founder of Nikolaev, that is, a person who embodies the project for the construction of shipyard and fleet for Empress Catherine Great.

Then you need to continue your way through the historic part of the city, that is, according to Admiral street, which in previous times was the most important in the city of Nikolaev. Here you will see buildings that perfectly remember famous ships and fleets. On both sides of the street, planetes spread out and in the summer they give her an excellent shadow. At the intersection of the admiral and small sea streets, you can see a one-story building, which is decorated with very original bright drawings. It is surprisingly stand out on a general background and of course decorates this strict street. In this house there is a volunteer center. Also on the Admiral Street, you can see the building of the Nikolaev Academic Theater, which was previously called the Scheffer's Theater.

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Moving on Admiral Street You will go to the embankment and to the naval boulevard, which is a favorite site of walks for citizens. Therefore, they all recommend strongly come here and guests of the city. Nearby is Square, equipped in memory of the heroes-paratroopers. The monument is immediately located, in which the harsh sculptures of the sailors remind the heroic events that occurred here during World War II. Then the landing under the command of Senior Lieutenant Olshansky managed to prevent the destruction of the port and reflected 18 enemy attacks in two days. And many members of the landing and the commander himself died during this battle. Immediately there is a small and neat chapel of St. Nicholas.

The Fleet Boulevard in Nikolaev is often compared with the seaside boulevard in Odessa, mainly due to the stairs, which is very similar to the famous Potemkinskaya. True, the Nikolaev staircase has much less steps. Well, of course, an incredibly beautiful panorama on the port and the Ingul River opens up from the boulevard. In summer, you can spend great time if you walk on the yacht or on a boat on this river.

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Also on the naval boulevard, you can see a rather noticeable monument to Mikhail Faleyev, who was a companion of Prince Grigory Potemkin, as well as the industrialist, an engineer, and in essence he became the first citizen of Nikolaev. He was engaged in the improvement of the city and under his leadership, many buildings were erected under his leadership and gardens were planted. In honor of this tireless worker in the city of Nikolaev, one of the streets was even named.

Also on Admiralskaya Street worth paying attention to the old Lutheran Kirch, which attracts attention to its extraordinarily strict and elegant forms, and also formerly stinged windows. The full name of the church sounds like this - the evangelical luteran church of Christ the Savior. This neutic style building was built in 1852, and his project was approved personally by Emperor Nikolai I. In essence, Kirch was one of the first Lutheran temples built in the south of Ukraine. Of course, during the years of Soviet power, like many other churches, Kirch was closed for a long time. Then there was a sports club here, and only recently the temple was again returned to believers.

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Also, in one day, you will be quite able to time to visit the Museum of Shipbuilding and Fleet, which is located on the Admiral Street in a historic building with a spire built at the end of the 18th century and at that time served as the Office and residential premises for the commander of the Black Sea Fleet. When you approach the building, you can see the huge busts of the famous commander who have made a huge contribution to the development of the sea. Also near the museum you can see many very interesting exhibits - ship guns and torpedo mines, as well as many other marine weapons, which was used during the Second World War. Inside the museum, you will see ships layouts, ranging from the most simple Cossack "Seagulls" and to modern handsome ships, which were built on the Nikolaev shipbuilding plant.

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