What should we expect from rest in the shooter?


It's nice that every year the road to the Arabat arrow in general and in the village of Rifle in particular is becoming better and better and better, since the old sections of the track somehow reconstruct, and in some places they do new ones. However, there is still a bad road between Melitopol and Genic, so it has to be overcome with difficulty.

Well, when you already fall on the arrow itself, then there is a normal concrete road. Yes, and in the shorter, now instead of gravel on the roads especially in the center put asphalt. However, there is a small minus in this, since vacationers fly in the village and often knock down pets.

Rest in the village of Rifle is more suitable for those who are tired of the city and from endless shalmans with every Chinese trash, with hookahs and clubs. So those who are accustomed to noise and fun are usually folded towards Kirillovka, or settle in the village of lucky. Rowed in essence is the last village of Kherson region located on the arrow. There is a sufficient number of recreation sites, and different levels of comfort.

What should we expect from rest in the shooter? 33725_1

Here you can find a very quiet, where there are no crowd of people, and there are even more refined. You can, for example, to stay at the very beginning of the rifle, that is, in the former Pioneer camp, which in our days is turned into a recreation center. There everything is incredibly modest - rooms with bed linen, with a shared kitchen, fridge and general bathroom. But this base has its own huge territory, which is undoubtedly a big plus. Well, the most important factor in the advantages of this base is that it is on the first line, only 70 meters pass to the water. So you can calmly fall asleep to the noise of waves and watch the starry sky.

In general, without a car in Rifle, it is complicated, because walking along the steppe to the store or in a cafe on sand roads, on which there are no trees, and at the same time the cars are rushed, byping you dust, quite unpleasant. It is also good that stores are becoming more and more. In the village itself there is a market and also a lot of smaller shops. Very often, local residents sell their products from gardens right near the wickets. If you move towards the "geologist" base, then there recently opened a mini-market "Arabat Bastion", in which on the second floor there is a shopping store, where various things are sold.

What should we expect from rest in the shooter? 33725_2

In addition to economic in the village, another large number of grocery stores opens in the village. So bread, vegetables, frozen food, water, alcohol, ice cream and even coal for kebabs - all this can be bought immediately in one store. In principle, all bases have water from its own wells, so there is no point in carrying it from the city. Well, already if you want, you can buy it in bottles right on the spot.

In the shooter there is a private cafe in which it is possible to eat decently, it is called "Poseidon". You can take a picture of the menu at the very beginning of the holiday, and then simply call and order dinner and while all your relatives go to the beach, then someone can get into the cafe and bring lunch straight to the sea. Homemade kitchen and everything is preparing very tasty. Also at the very beginning, the village recently opened "Nar Donalds". There are incredibly delicious Chebureks and there are still there you should try Yantki - they resemble Chebureks, but fry on a dry frying pan and are lubricated with oil before serving. Well, and Shawarma, of course, too, there is, wherever without it.

If we compare with the brickic, then the shooter is much better at the water. First, parallel to the shore is sandy spit, well, and then it becomes deeper. All beaches on the Arabat arrow consist of a seven. If you enjoy a wild beach, you must certainly take with you an umbrella and some beach tent, because no protection from the Sun is still not provided.

What should we expect from rest in the shooter? 33725_3

In recent years, jellyfish is the most important attack in the Azov Sea. And even if before the storm, they depart from the coast, the sea constantly nails them there. Well, some of these unpleasant creatures still manage to burn skin. Do not forget that such burns are easily removed with cutlery vinegar. That is, the burn must be rinsed first with salty water (in no case is not fresh), and then treated with vinegar.

Since July, a plankton appears in the sea, which is glowing when touched, and this is a wonderful reason to get out at night to the sea and watch this beautiful phenomenon. Sometimes he glows so hard that even illuminates the bottom. So rest in the shooter is very quiet and calm, and is amazing for a comfortable and cozy pastime.

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