Where to go to Truskavets and what to see?


The spa town of Truskavets is very small in size and is located in the Lviv region in the western part of the country in almost the foothills of the Ukrainian Carpathians at a height of about 400 meters from the sea level. From the Polish border and it is separated by a little more than 50 kilometers. Numerous sources with healing mineral water, as well as rocker deposits attract to the local sanatoriums of Truskavets for the treatment of people having diseases of the kidney, digestive tract, urinary tract, metabolism and also a number of other concomitant diseases.

It is now difficult to imagine that in the territory of the modern Truskavets, in the fourth century, our era has already passed the battles of Roman legionnaires with the Carpathian tribes and with Gotami, which are in confirmation in archaeological finds - in dishes, weapons, in armor and various household items. At the turn of the tenth-eleventh centuries, these land became part of the Kiev Rus, then passed under the auspices of the Galician-Volyn principality and were there until the feudal Poland sees this territory in the 14th century.

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The Truskavets is essentially a very compact city, which, as it were, displaced the annular road, having a length of only 7.4 kilometers. Therefore, nothing surprising is that there should not be an abundance of historical and architectural attractions. So this very cozy resort can be frowning along and across literally in a couple of days. But during this time it is worth seeing some interesting places and architectural monuments.

One of the most interesting natural attractions of the city is a resort park having an area of ​​11 hectares. It is also known as the Park "Adamovka". Its construction began a long time ago, back in 1895, but by 1905 almost 15 kilometers of cozy walking paths were already laid. After in 1908, the construction of the district road was completed in the city, the park was completely banned in the park. To date, this pretty resort park is the main place of meetings of residents and guests of the city of Truskavets, especially since on both sides of the park there are two bureaucrats with mineral water - new and old.

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Coniferous and deciduous trees grow in the park - fir, oaks, ash, birch, wild pears and apple trees, as well as lindens and others. Also in the park there are also exotic types of trees, since North America was brought here by Samshet, Catalpa, Platanes and acetic tree, and Wimutova Pine was delivered from Italy. When you walk through this park, pay special attention to the ancient oak, which was planted in honor of the poet Adam Mitskevich, then on the monument to Him, on the Art Museum of Mikhail Bilas and for a well-maintained stream.

Museum Mikhail Bilas must certainly look first of all because it was opened back in 1992 right in the building of the old villa called "Goplyan". At the beginning of the twentieth century, there was a summer residence of Burgomistra Ramunda Yarosh, which was then the owner of the Truskavets resort. Mikhail Bilas was essentially an outstanding Ukrainian master of the tapestry, as well as a fashion designer, he created stunning masterpieces on carpets and mini tapestries, as well as embroidery and on the panel. In addition, he made dolls and made applications. It is noteworthy that the museum was opened in the lifetime of this famous artist, and at the moment the exposition occupies almost 12 halls, in which more than 150 works are located.

You can also visit the Slonica Pond in the southern part of the city. You will find it immediately for the circumferential road - this is an artificial reservoir that has in general, small sizes. The pond was created in 1962 and now it is surrounded by a rather extensive green picturesque zone. In this reservoir, it is categorically forbidden not only to swim, but also fish, but at the same time, however, nobody prohibits anyone along its shores.

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One of the oldest buildings in Truskavets is the Greek Catholic Church of St. Nicholas. The very first wooden church in this place was built back in 1515. Well, already a modern building was built from 1861 to 1886. The interior of the church with interesting wall paintings, as well as a quail-tier iconostasis, placed here in the second half of the XIX century, was very noteworthy. Only in 1920, a bell tower was attached to the temple.

The playground near the church is very decorated with a symbolic sculpture "Jesus and Samaritian", and besides this, several historical monuments are also. In addition, at the Church of St. Nicholas, the Tuskavetsky Diocesan Museum is located, in which the expositions of which tells about the prominent figures of the Sambursk-Drohobych diocese. The museum was founded in 1998 and a lot of interesting vintage church books, church houses, paintings, embroidery and many other exhibits of sacred art presented in his collection.

It is also worth getting acquainted with a very pretty Roman Catholic church, which is more famous in Truskavets as Polish. It was built in the period from 1858 to 1860 in the unusual style of historicism with some elements of neoatics. The church was built on the means of vacationers in Truskavets Polyakov, so he actually received such a name. Of course, the church was completed many times, and also experienced a significant decline in the period of Soviet rule when it was used as a warehouse.

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And after the fire that occurred in 1970, he was completely turned into a planetarium. Well, only in 1994, the temple was re-consecrated and worship began to pass in it. The main highlight of this church is the body that was acquired in 1913 in Poznan. Until now, it is used during the services, since it is perfectly preserved.

Another temple belonging to the sambered Drohobych Greek Catholic Diocese is the church of Holy Pokrov in Truskavets. It was built in 1994 to commemorate the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, defending according to the legends of the residents of Constantinople from the invasion of Saracinov in 910. This temple is characterized by a richly decorated interior and exterior, and in the dark, it is also very spectacularly highlighted by artificial illumination. Come to the temple, you can overcome a small staircase, on the top of which a marble statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary was installed.

Opposite the Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Truskavets there is a villa "Sariush", which was built at the beginning of the twentieth century in a very unusual for this resort of Mauritan style. The building of the villa in 1982 was transferred to the city authorities, and there is a Museum of the History of Truskavets. To date, the museum's exposition occupy 7 halls at once on two floors and talk about the history of this region, starting from the second century to our era and up to the present day. In particular, tourists attracts the city layout, which is located in the latest hall.

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