What excursions to choose in Ternopil?


The Ternopil region is incredibly rich not only on historical and natural places, but also for amazing attractions. Here you can see "Little Versailles", the largest plaster cave in the world, the dendropark in "Paradise, the most unusual and most beautiful neo-neutic structure in Ukraine and a lot of different. And few people even heard of such amazing places. Therefore, there is a wonderful reason to get together and go to Ternopil, and there carefully examine all these interesting places.

Perhaps it is worth starting with the surprisingly beautiful Palace of Vishnevian, who was their main residence in the eighteenth century. This luxury palace was built in the style of classicism, but with elements of the French Renaissance. The author of the idea of ​​his construction was the last of the genus Vishnevetsky - quite a major Polish magnate Mikhail Servations. For 30 years, the joint efforts of Ukrainian, French and Polish architects worked on this construction.

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The palace was built on the foundation of the medieval castle of Vishnevetsky, who was repeatedly expanding and rebuilt before. On the first floor there is a huge mirror hall, having a length of 80 meters and is an accurate copy of exactly the same hall in the versal. Palace's front hall decorated with white ceramic tiles with blue pattern. Well, from the palace to the river then three cascades of gardens have already descended.

In the middle of the eighteenth century, Vishnevian's estate passed to their relatives who turned the palace in the first-class Magnatse residence and placed a beautiful picture gallery there. To date, this palace is considered the most luxurious on Volyn. In 1848, Vishnevets visited the well-known French writer Onor de Balzac and assigned him the name of "Small Versailles."

Also in the Ternopil region, Zbarazhsky castle was perfectly preserved, which for a long time serves as a residence and Lithuanian princes, and Polish gentles. For the construction of this castle on the spot destroyed by the Tatars fortress in the city, the old zbarazh began in 1620, and the project was ordered in Venice in the architect and engineer known in those times. In the seventeenth century, the castle passed to the ownership of the princes of Vishnevian, who strengthened it with four bastions.

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Well, in the eighteenth century, when the castle was already in the possession of Magnates Pototsky, he was turned out of the essence of the usual military facilities to a typical palace estate. Today, inside the castle, archaeological and ethnographic expositions are placed, as well as the exhibition of the Weapon Collection. You can also watch the "Dioram of the siege of 1649", when the castle endured almost 7 weeks of the siege of the troops under the leadership of Bogdan Khmelnitsky.

In the Ternopil region in the small town of Buchach, there is an amazing Vasilian monastery, which was built specifically for Fathers-Vasilian, invited to the city of Magnat Pototsky in order to establish a theological school here. Of particular interest in this complex represents the baroque crossed the church with the bell tower. On both sides, the corps of the Vasilian gymnasium and the cells are adjacent to it. To date, the Buchachian collegium is located here. In the Soviet period, the monastery was closed and gradually destroyed, but after 1991 there was a complete restoration and now the building is used for its intended purpose.

Also in one small town of Chortkov, it is necessary to visit the magnificent Dominican Church, built at the beginning of the 20th century in the style of neoatics on the site of the collapsed Old Cathedral. He was built in 1610 at that time the host of the city of Golsky and envisaged as his tomb. The Dominican Church was originally entered into a complex of the Dominican Monastery, the main functions of which were defensive. It was surrounded by walls with towers and with braces. But before the beginning of the First World War, the church was completely rebuilt. The Dominican Church in Chertkov with full right is considered to be a beautiful non-neutic structure in Ukraine. The temple stores the icon of God of the Mother of St. Rosary or Chortkovskaya Virgin. With the Soviet government, the church of course was closed, but already in 1989 he was officially returned to the Dominicans.

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Also in the Ternopil region there is one of the greatest shrines of the entire Orthodox world, which has the second meaning after the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra - the Holy Assumption Pochaevskaya Lavra. Here in the main altar from the XVI century, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God is kept, which was presented to the monastery of his founder. The pilgrims are constantly flowing here from many places, which certainly want to make the rectacks of the monastery in the period of confrontation with unia in the XVII century.

In the village of Skalat there is an amazing scalat castle, laid back in 1630, which today is considered a branch of the National Reserve called "Ternopil Castles". The castle was strongly injured during any different wars and gradually lost his defense significance. His revival as an already parade Magnatse residence occurred in the eighteenth century, when he had new owners. A new two-storey palace body was attached to the eastern wall of the castle, and the entrance doors were liftedly decorated. In the period of ownership of the castle, the families in the XIX century were reconstructed towers in the Gothic style. During the two world wars, structures were very affected, but later their complete reconstruction was carried out.

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One of the most unusual sights of the Ternopil region is the Plebanovsky Bridge-Viaduct or as it is also called the Terebovlyansky Bridge. It is at the entrance to the town of Terbell from Chernivtsi. Naturally, all tourists, he attracts its unusually high arches. This nine arched railway stone bridge was built back in 1896 during the laying of the railway from Ternopil to Kopyachinsev. The bridge was designed by Austrian engineers and was perfectly preserved to the present day, and so much that is still used for its intended purpose.

If there is paradise in Ukraine, then it is in the Ternopil region, because the so-called village near the town of Berezhany. There is a manor Pototsky along with an incredible arbomb. In fact, this landscape park along with ponds and a hunting house was laid here in the sixteenth century by the magnate of Senata. According to the legend, the idea of ​​calling this estate was associated with the names of his owner of Adama Senavsky and also his bride Eva. Subsequently, this estate passed into the possession of the Potocksky family.

The "Optimistic" cave is the biggest gypsum cave in the world. To date, the length of its studied part is more than 240 kilometers and it is the second largest karst cave after the "Mammoth" in the United States. It was opened in 1965 by Lviv speleologists, and she was called "optimistic" into a joke, because at first even the speleologists themselves were very low assessed their chances of success and called them no other than "optimistic."

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In the cave there are not only stalactites, but also gelltipes. Attach the optimistic cave is possible for tourists only in special equipment and only accompanied by an experienced guideline-speleologist. Relatively recently - in 2012, an art museum and another museum of secondary formations was opened right in the cave. The cave is located in the Ternopil region near the village of King.

Also on the territory of the Ternopil region there is an extraordinary Gury waterfall, in its beauty, not at all inferior to Carpathian. In addition, it is considered the largest plain waterfall in Ukraine. Its height is 16 meters, and the width reaches sometimes 20 meters. The waterfall in essence consists of three cascades. The Jury Waterfall is very often called still Chervorodskogo, because according to one of the legends it was formed by Tatars, breaking through the new course of the Giurin River in order to facilitate his access to the Chervoorodsky castle, located at one and a half kilometers from the waterfall. The waterfall is located on the Gurin River near the village of Narkov in Ternopil region

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