What time is it better to relax in Dharamsale?


Theoretically, Dharamsalu can at least visit the whole year. Here every month in essence there are connoisseurs. However, spring and autumn are traditionally considered a high season, when not hot and not cold, but there are few precipitation. Well, low winter, when it is cold and snow, and summer is roast and with rains. Summer in Dharamsale is somewhat hot and rainy, but nevertheless this time is very loved. Yes, and in principle, it is for that, because the heat is not at all extreme - within +35 degrees, and the rains are very well refreshing the air and also update the surrounding nature.

In general, those travelers who prefer to leave somewhere for a long time and live in some pleasant places sometimes whole half-year, come as a rule in Dharamsalu in April and remain for the whole summer. They consider it at all impossible to find a better place in this country around the climate at this time. But, if you want to come in the summer for a short time, it is best to choose June a month, since it is the most dry and comfortable at its temperature from all year old months.

What time is it better to relax in Dharamsale? 33575_1

Autumn in Dharamsala, of course, is the peak season. It rains almost end, and the temperature is simply beautiful - from plus 20 to plus 26 degrees. And this is the most wonderful time for hiking in the mountains and walks in the forests. However, it should be borne in mind that at night already becomes quite cool, so you should not forget to take warm clothes, sweaters and scarves. Do not worry if suddenly you forget something, because all this can be bought in place. The experienced travelers advise to visit Dhararsala, it is early autumn, because in November a real winter weather can begin.

Spring is the beginning of the tourist season, however it is quite unpredictable from the point of view of the weather. That shines with might and mainland the sun, and the sky is clouded with fogs, thunderstorms occur periodically, and sometimes it is just a cloudless sky. The weather in Dharamsala is very changeable - let's say, in the morning it can be warm and in the sky neither the cloud, and to noon the fog descend, and such an amazing force that you will not see a person walking next to you.

And then in one second, suddenly white covers replaces black. Sometimes it even happens that in the daytime on the street it is dark, just as at night, and even light lights. And after all this, the thunderstorm of mad strength can happen with a torrential rain and with a hail. Well, and then at some point suddenly it becomes quiet, peacefully and clear. In principle, such surprises are no exception, but rather a typical Dharamsal spring.

What time is it better to relax in Dharamsale? 33575_2

However, there are such periods when all weeks of March or in April in the city are clear and sunny weather, there are no precipitation and there are no cyclones. So spring is considered here a high season and an excellent time to visit, because it is not so cold as in winter and is not so hot, as it happens in summer.

But it is necessary to be ready for everything - the daily temperature in spring time ranges from plus 20 to plus 30 degrees during the daytime and from plus 5 to plus 15 degrees in the evenings and at night. In general, it is usually warm and sometimes even hot in the afternoon, and in the mornings and evenings, when there is still cool weather, you have to take some warm swelling with you for a walk.

Tourists in the spring time in Dharmasal usually there are many, because it is during this period that the nature comes to life here in the forests and in the mountains everything blooms and fragrances. However, you should not be afraid that there will be too many people here. In principle, in Dharmasal, in absolutely any season you will have the opportunity to settle both in a busy area, and in such a secluded, in which you will not meet a soul.

What time is it better to relax in Dharamsale? 33575_3

Winter in Dharamsala is the coldest and most snowy time of the year, and therefore is considered a low season. Tourists This period here is little and prices for accommodation goes to the lowest level. Daily air temperature may vary from plus 5 to plus 14 degrees, but at night it often falls below zero. So in the winter to visit Dharamsalu only the most desperate and rustling travelers.

The fact is that the main problem during this period here is in heating and in electricity. That is, there is no heating here at all, but the gaps in the houses are huge. So in winter it blows away here and constantly sways. Local residents are usually wrapped in shawl and in blankets, well, and tourists are warmed with strong alcohol. At the same time, electricity can turn off during heavy snowfalls that occur quite often. There are such periods that Dharamsala remains de-energized for several days. So winter holidays here is intended mainly for extremals.

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