Youth resort


Alushta is a city city, a city of tourists, where the entire infrastructure is designed only for holidaymakers. There is really a life for life. Like sea waves thrown ashore, and every day (in the holiday season), the trains "stand up" on Perron Station Station are new and new holidaymakers, each of which seek to take their place under the affairs of Alushta. Immediately on the perrone of everyone and everyone separately the resting "attack" so called "realtors", bypassing the place (room, house) for cozy residence. So do not rush to book online. There are enough places to stay, even with an excess. Proposals at times exceeds demand, it is possible to choose. It all depends on the wallet and the desire to live closer or away from the cherished sea. We chose the golden middle of 20 minutes to the sea and quite comfortable accommodation for an adequate price. It would be possible to bargain, "realtors" not only in words are told, but also carry the place of possible accommodation, show. There was an opportunity to choose "a penny penthouse", but with the minimum service "in the courtyard". But this was not too suitable for us - it's still with children, therefore, and chose based on the family.

Transport in the city is enough. Curses in all directions. As they say, pay Danyushka and forward. Near, Yalta beaches on one side, Gurzuf beaches on the other hand. And in that, and other direction, minibuses, buses, private traders are running. All conditions for both private trips and excursions.

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And, at the expense of resting on the beach is a big problem. Tourists have a huge amount, the places on the free beach are not enough for everyone. At 8:00 occupy a queue (as in the mausoleum), and for this time there is practically no place on the beach. Everything is clogged, no where to turn it. But we are hiking with experience, and knowing in advance about such catatasia, just walked on paid beaches of nearby sanatoriums. But here it was necessary to fuss a little under the fuss, because you will come later - you will be further from the sea (and even perhaps without a sun bed).

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Alushta, how not to twist a more youth resort. In the evening, the city turns into one solid disco. Everyone who pushed on the beaches, by evening they go on the embankment with one single desire to have fun. And "this good" in Alushta above the roof. A variety of cafes with bright neon signs, street musicians singing (and by morning already screaming) incomprehensible songs. Everything sparkles, Pottit, music from bars and cafes sounds a mixture with a disco nightclubs. Noise, shouts of joy, delight. In short, the city is a holiday. There is everything, for every taste and on any wallet. And they did not forget about the babies. Children's entertainment is, in my opinion, the safest way to lure money from happy dads and mothers. All sorts of swings, carousels, tira with "penny" prizes. In total in bulk. Times - two looked into a nightclub (there the entrance until 22:00 is free). Enough for us exactly for 2 hours. Not because we puritans are some. Just, with children in such establishments there is nothing to do. Closer to the night, the young people take off the full. My children early to watch such a striptease. We still have a swing with the carousers not enough.

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And so, just a fairy tale.

As already wrote above, in the city an abundance of cafes, restaurants and budget canteens. So the issue with food is solved in the blink of an eye. In addition, the presence of all sorts of supermarkets, food stores, the market in the end, in general make questions about food inappropriate. Product prices are quite acceptable for the holiday season. With cheats of course, but without fanatism. We constantly bought vegetables on the market, fruit children, prices are not much higher than in our city. Also in stores.

Very well rested. But I repeat, Alushta - the youth resort. Who is looking for silence and romance, it is worth choosing another place.

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