What excursions worth visiting in Agra?


In addition to the main attractions of Agra, it is necessary to pay attention to the village of Sikanda. Unfortunately, in many guidebooks it is written that it is located 8 kilometers from the city, but it is not true, because it is located in the city, just on its outskirts. This village became famous for the whole world that it was here that the most outstanding ruler from the Mugolov dynasty Akbar is buried.

If you enter the inside of the mausoleum, you will see that the decorative graves of the two wives are located near his sarcophagus, one of which was the industries, and the other Muslim. The tomb from all sides is surrounded by gardens, where the most diverse living nature is found - monkeys, antelopes, chipmunks and peacocks. In general, in size, this tomb is quite possible to compare with the palace, so the main attraction of the village of Sikandra is the tomb of Akbar the Great. In principle, it spread on almost 48 hectares, that is, this is truly a worthy grave for such an outstanding emperor.

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It is also worth going to the Rabach Garden, which is located in the northern direction from the Taj Mahal. If you take into account traffic jams, you can get there in about an hour. This is one of the oldest gardens in the city, since it was founded during the reign of great Mughal. It is also called frequent "garden of laziness" and "garden of light". This name is associated with an old legend, according to which Emperor Akbar his third wife made a proposal in this garden, where she worked as a gardener.

He just lay in the garden did not do anything for 6 days, that is, until the same time, until she agreed to marry him. The garden was completely drawn up in Persian style, that is, the focus was made on the abundance of sunshine. But at the same time there are pavilions with arbors and high splashing trees that bring enough shadow even on the hottest days.

Be sure to go to Fatekhpur-Sicry, which is located 30 kilometers in the west direction from Agra. For 14 years, he was the capital of the Great Mughal Empire. If you go from Agrie or from Jaipur by car, then first shift here. This city was erected by order of Emperor Akbar in the period from 1571 and to 1585, inclusive in honor of the famous holy predictor.

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Fatechpur-Sicry is a unique sample of the Mongolian city, preserved to the present day. Also, you need to visit the tomb of the Holy Predictor Salim Chishti and another wonderful temple of Jam Masjid, well, in passing public and private buildings. Unfortunately, the tomb though was a place of worship for many believers because of the catastrophic lack of water, however, as the whole city, was subsequently requested, and after some time even looted. When you visit the mosque and the tomb, you will see that in the shade of buildings there are whole families of masters, cutting out the stones (by the way very cute) and immediately selling them.

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