What currency is better to take with you to Chisinau?


In Chisinau itself, there are no problems with the exchange of currencies. You can exchange money both in the departments of the bank and in one of the numerous exchange offices. These items are in any area of ​​the city, in large supermarkets and can even be said that at every corner. The most walking currencies that are changed in any exchange of US dollars, euros, Russian rubles, Romanian lei and Ukrainian hryvnia. In some exchange offices, the list of accepted currencies is quite large and consists of one and a half two dozen items. In the National Bank of Moldova, you can exchange almost any currency.

What currency is better to take with you to Chisinau? 3355_1

The usual schedule of exchange points is from 9.00 to 18.00. Some open from 8.00 and work until 20.00. At Chisinau Airport, the exchange points work around the clock, if not mistaken their five or six pieces, and the courses are a bit different, depending on the bank to which they belong.

What currency is better to take with you to Chisinau? 3355_2

So having exchanging the currency and look at the course in each item. But if you do not burn with the exchange, it is better not to change the airport, in the city the course is more attractive, especially in the area of ​​the Central Bus Station, just below the department store. In this area a large number of exchangers with the best courses. You can change money without fear that they will give the surrender to fake banknotes or nimble, as it happens in the Moscow Exchanges. At least I have never heard of such cases.

In the presence of a bank card, make money makes no problem. ATMs on the streets are enough and they are practically every major supermarket. In addition, you can contact the branch of any bank and make cash from the card without using an ATM. The type of bank card does not matter, the main thing is that there are money in your account whether dollars, euro or rubles. Near some exchange offices and now you can find people engaged in currency exchange. The course they can be a little better than in the exchange point, but if you are visiting, it is better not to risk and change money in the exchanger. These people usually appeal to those who know their people, so to speak regular customers, and if you are visiting or tourist and do not know a person in the face, it is not a fact that you will not be a victim of the Ballen Cydala, although I have not heard such cases for a long time. With the advent of a large number of exchange points, they went to the past.

What currency is better to take with you to Chisinau? 3355_3

Another place where you can change currency is a douse market. Sellers are not rarely exhibited on the counter the sign with the inscription buy rubles, dollars or euros. Although the police sometimes make a warning for such signs. Nevertheless, the course can also be a little better than in the currency exchange item.

In general, with the exchange of money in Chisinau, you will not have any problems, but for the safety of this money you should watch yourself, the era of pockets and vorays have not yet ended, especially in crowded places and public transport. Be vigilant.

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