Best time to relax in Calcutta


Calcutta is certainly an interesting city in which in almost any season there will be there to offer even the most experienced travelers. But of course the most favorable time for visiting is still considered our winter period - that is, from November to March a month. However, at this time in Calcutta, it can be quite cool, although during this period in the city it happens, perhaps more tourists, however, in principle, they are still not so much in Calcutta.

It is not necessary to come here unequivocally in August-September, since these months are the most rainy. The roads here will be all flooded, shower to go almost constantly. The umbrella can save only your scalp, and everything else will literally move to the thread, if you suddenly be on the street for more than 10 minutes. Since Calcutta is not very popular with tourists in the city, then the prices for flights are not particularly changing depending on whether the tourist season is worth it or not. The difference in the city will be felt only at the cost of fruits and vegetables, but it is most likely everywhere.

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In the summer, around May to August, a very hot weather is observed in Calcutta, and at the end of summer, it is also very rainy. And raining so much that even the road may disappear from under the feet. But the summer is the season of all sorts of fruit pleasures, for example, mango and lychee. That's just because of them and you can worry if you have not come to Calcutta in the summer. If you are coming here in this period, then you need to take a raincoat, umbrella and rubber slab, because in boots it will be very hot.

Then the waterproof bag is suitable, a large amount of quick-drying clothes and some means to protect against rain hair, if they are very much wound. In the event of your arrival here in the summer, you must take into account that in addition to high humidity there is still quite high air temperature - about + 36 degrees. However, it is not necessary to hope that at such a temperature your clothes dry will dry. Of course, in the summer season in Calcutta, tourists becomes much less. So it is better to choose for visiting this city some other season.

Autumn in Calcutta begins not by the calendar at the end of summer, and then when the rainy season begins. Therefore, if you want to come here in September, then you must be familiar with the peculiarities of the summer season in Calcutta. But already a lot later, the weather becomes more cool and pleasant, the rains leave, the temperature from 36 degrees gradually decreases to a pleasant mark in plus 30 degrees.

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In addition, it is in the fall in Calcutta that the most beloved and long-awaited festival of benglets in India Durga Puja is celebrated in Calcutta. Basically, this holiday lasts 10 days, but the preparation for it begins long before it is offensive. Attending Calcutta in the fall in particular, it is recommended that tourists who adore ethnography. But in principle, even just curious tourists on Calcutt standards here is much more than autumn.

In the spring, since March to April, the city of Calcutta all pleases with its weather, because it is not hot - about 27 degrees, but at night it is no longer cold - in the area of ​​20 degrees. March, perhaps, is the most favorable time to visit the city. But it is impossible to say that tourists are actively using this, because at this time they are about as much as in the streets as in the autumn.

In April, it becomes somewhat hotter, the temperature rises to the plus 33 degrees, but in mid-April, the most popular Bengal festival is celebrated - the new year, so if you visit Calcutta at this time, then you will not be disappointed at all. Well, with the onset of May, the city becomes very hot in the city, so the summer is almost already coming. Therefore, before planning a visit here at this time, you need to think very pregnancy.

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Oddly enough, but in January, it is even cold in Calcutta, because during the night the temperature can descend to 0 degrees, and you will certainly feel on yourself if you live in a five-star hotel. In the morning it will also be cold, but in the daytime it becomes warmer and therefore, if you go out to the street from home in the morning, then you should not hide much.

However, the sweater you will have to wear with you throughout the day until the sunset. As soon as the sun sits down, then the morning coolness is returned. If during the daytime you can expect a temperature of about plus 25 degrees, then in the mornings and in the evenings it keeps approximately the mark in plus 15 degrees. It should be noted that winter is a big problem for Calcutta, because there are many people living on the streets, and they have nothing to warm themselves.

Therefore, you should not be surprised or fear that you can see big bonfires on the streets. But in general, we can say that winter is a pleasant time to visit the city, because the trees are blooming here and the carrot season begins, which means you can try the delicious carrot halva. Well, it can be said that in the winter in Calcutta, as, perhaps, there is a large number of tourists throughout India.

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