Rest with children in Venice. Useful tips.


Depending on how many years your baby you can choose a program interesting to every member of the family. More adult children will be interested in visiting almost all excursions, including vintage temples. You can move around the city both on foot and water tram - Vaporetto. The travel ticket will cost much cheaper than one-time passage by public transport. Be sure to use the services of the gondolors and arrange a grandiose trip along the channel. Believe me, he will have only positive emotions and the most colorful memories from such a walk.

Power and all the necessary hygiene items can be easily found in local stores and in the markets, such as Rialto.

Rest with children in Venice. Useful tips. 3353_1

In addition, in the warm season you can please the whole seven diverse fruits and vegetables at very attractive prices. For small sweet tech, a real paradise will be confectionery, located in the markets of Venice. The diverse menu of cafes, restaurants and tratoes will allow you to feed anyone, even the most picky child.

Tourists traveling with children should know that picnics and food intake on the central streets of the city are prohibited, and therefore it will be unlikely to have a snack on the go. It has its own reason - thus, the inhabitants of Venice are trying to maintain cleanliness and fight garbage, because its export is carried out very problematic, with the help of special barges. If you want to arrange a picnic for a child, you can go to the nearest islands, where you are so much soaming in nature and pamper yourself with various seafood, which in a wide range are presented in the fish market.

For small lovers of music and creativity, you can arrange a real holiday - visit one of the oldest theaters of the "La Phenic" opera. He is one of the oldest in Europe. Excellent performances are held year-round, and therefore each wishes can easily plunge into the world of classical music.

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There are no special places for children's entertainment, such as amusement parks in Venice, because the child's leisure should take care in advance.

If you ended up in Venice in the summer and managed to inspect all the sights, be sure to go to the beach, because every child will get great pleasure from water procedures in the warm Adriatic Sea. The beaches of the resort Lido di Ezolo are distinguished by their beautiful bottom and shore, and they will not get much difficulty - he is half an hour's bus ride. For those who want to get through the sea, you can use water tram. Parents should be known that in the period from the end of May and at the beginning of September, water around the shore warms up to 25 degrees of heat, and therefore without fears can be allowed to swim even to the smallest tourists. In addition, this small resort is perfect for a quiet and family pastime. Here you can find a water park, and amusement park, and various slot machines - for every taste and wallet. Every year, the festivals of sandy sculptures are held here, which will be very interesting to your children.

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