What should you buy in Rishikesh?


It should be noted that any special unique goods in Rishikesh itself is not for sale. Here you can see in principle, all the same as in other cities of India. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that there are almost constantly a huge number of tourists here, so here you can meet a huge selection of souvenirs, Indian cosmetics, oils, as well as cheap and very poor-quality clothes, sewn in India. But it is perfect for yoga and in order to live in the ashramas.

Also, literally at every step sells all sorts of different religious products - the statuettes of the gods that are made of the most all kinds of materials, there are various paper products, there are overlap and many other things. More popular among ordinary tourists here are beads and rosary in particular from the sacred for Hindus Rudraksh, as well as a large selection of oils and incense. Here you can buy a packaging of natural aromatic sticks in less than 1 dollar. Also no problems will not find rugs for yoga and of course the traditional Indian outfits - sundresses, shirts, Salvar Camiza, Sharovar and Long Skirts.

What should you buy in Rishikesh? 33436_1

The main trading ranks in Rishikesh are essentially located on the main tourist streets. Immediately, a long series go for each other, Kashmir shops, which sell pashmina, carpets and jewelry. In principle, as well as everywhere, Kashmir residents charge prices for their products at least 5 times more than their real value, so it is in their shops that need to be bargained especially actively. You will also meet in Rishikesh and Nepalese shops - warm clothes are for sale, which is so necessary in the cold season. You can safely acquire knitted socks, shawl, funny hats and sweatshirts from the fleece. For cool warm socks you will have to post 200 rupees, and the hat in the form of zebra, giraffe, panda, or another animal will cost 300 rupees. Well, warm clothing costs approximately everywhere and fits perfectly for traveling through Northern India.

The only feature of the shopping is in Rishikesh, is a huge number of bookstores filled to the edges of religious literature. Here you can just find the sea of ​​books of a wide variety of philosophical teachings, according to Ayurveda, on yoga and on other interesting topics, and a huge selection of literature in English is also available. The cost of books usually begins from 100 rupees. Also in Rishikesh there are several shops directly with tourist equipment, which is very useful for those who plan to go further into the mountains. One of these stores is "Adventure Axis" is located in the Lakshman Jhula area at Badrinath Road.

What should you buy in Rishikesh? 33436_2

From hosts, it is best to bring souvenirs that are filled with spiritual meaning. For example, Tibetan singing bowls are very popular in the tourist environment. Only you need to choose a bowl of strictly for yourself so that its true sound tune you to the meditative way. The mid-size bowl costs about 600-700 rupees. Just keep in mind that if you plan to buy a few cups for your friends, then they weigh pretty well. Also in the markets in abundance, the figurines of Indian gods are sold incredibly beautiful and skillfully performed, which can quite become a beautiful souvenir. Their price begins from 300 rupees depending on the size and material, and can increase indefinitely.

Also, no less interest is literature in English. It should be noted that in our homeland, these books are much more expensive, and many of them you just do not even meet on sale. On the shelves Rishikesh, you will meet a lot of literature on religious themes, according to esoteric and searching for a spiritual path. Also for funny money you can buy fiction literature, the price of which starts from 100 rupees. Do not forget to buy aromatic sticks together with natural oil perfumes, because in Rishikes there is a great choice and the other. They stand quite inexpensively - the wand will cost about 65 rupees, and natural spirits from 200 rupees for a small bottle.

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