Is it worth going to Russia?


Do not know where to spend your vacation? The term of passport has ended? Lack of money for a foreign tour? Bored exotic mills? If at least one of the listed questions you gave a positive answer, it's time to think about rest in Russia. The uniqueness of the country's geographical location makes it possible to choose a journey to taste for everyone. In Russia, you can find a healthy alternative to any foreign resorts. Instead of Czech Karlovy Vary, you can fix health in the sanatoriums of mineral waters, Pyatigorsk and Zheleznovodsk. St. Petersburg Hermitage is not inferior to the exhibition presented by the exhibition with the best museums of Europe, and the famous French Versaille is somewhat fading in front of the front beauty of Peterhof. Dombai, Hibiny, Altai, Ural, for lovers of skiing there are highways of any complexity, and the beauty of the mountain landscapes captures the spirit no worse than in the Swiss alps. All those whose soul rushes a straight road to Russian subtropics, to the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory.


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It is the opinion that rest with comfort in our country is not possible that the level of culture and service clearly gives Soviet unobtrusiveness. In fact this is not true. Domestic resorts are actively gaining popularity in the fight for the client and every year they expand the range of services and entertainment. After going to the Black Sea coast, you will be surprised by the availability of hotels, guesthouses and hostels for every taste and wallet. Starting from the fashionable apartment in Radisson and Marriott, ending with cozy and inexpensive rooms of family mini hotels.

Rest in Russia has a number of undeniable advantages. This is the lack of a linguistic barrier, there is no need for the design of passports and obtaining visas, currency exchange. However, do not forget about the shortcomings. First of all, the high price for moving to the place of recreation, flight from the northern regions of the country to Sochi or from the capital to Kamchatka at a cost several times the cost of a charter flight to Turkey or Egypt. The cost of passenger traffic as a whole in the country is high. Rarely in which direction you can find a ticket to a departure car train cheaper than 2500-3000 rubles. For this money, equivalent to about 60-70 euros, in Europe you can drive around several countries. In fairness, it is worth noting that the distances between any two European capitals often less than the distance between the two neighboring Russian cities. Internal and external tourism For the country, the direction of relatively young and many people who loved holidaymakers are not yet developed. For example, the system "All Inclusive" meets extremely rarely, scares the large segment of tourists, implying additional spending on food and entertainment.

An unambiguous answer to the question is whether to relax in Russia - no. It all depends on the needs and expectations of each tourist. If you know how to close your eyes to small shortcomings, and the level of service is not worth it for you at the head of the corner, then the journey through Russia is a great option for you. After all, a huge country really has something to show. The richest natural, cultural and architectural heritage, each region is interesting and unique in its own way. State support, the emergence of competition and the growing stream of travelers every year strengthened the tourist industry and give hope that in the foreseeable future the recreational zones of the Russian Federation will make a worthy competition of popular world resorts.

At the end of its review, I want to share with you this is what thought. In my opinion, the quality of the vacation spent largely depends on ourselves, from our behavior and attitudes towards others. It often happens that the tourist complaining of the dirty sea and the beach without a revelation of conscience bursts his cigarettes in the sand, competes in the range of throwing watermelon crust or the grinded carbonate of corn. Sometimes people striving to break through into the museum, cash register or transportation climb without a queue, provoke scandals and then outraged by widespread rudeness. In the desire to save the cheapest tickets, low budget housing is being bought, and reasoning about the disgusting service and the absence of comfort are born. Often, it should be spoiled vacation, spent nerves and bad memories. Agree, if each tourist tries to take care of the environment, be tolerant and kinder to people around and adequately evaluate the price value and quality ratio, the index of satisfaction with the time, both in Russia and abroad will be significantly higher.

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