Where is best to stay in Mumbai?


Mumbai is an incredibly huge city, which to explore in essence can be infinite. This is not only one of the biggest cities in India, but it is also one of the most populous and large megalopolises around the world. This huge city-port is located in the western part of the country on the banks of the Arabian Sea, as well as part-time is the capital of Maharashtra. Murathi is considered the official language of Mumbai, but English here also understands perfectly. In order for you to easier to navigate in this huge anthill, you should always carry the map of the city, you can even on the phone, and it is best to remember his districts in advance. For tourists, convenient here is that all major attractions are located almost nearby.

If you are mainly interested in the sights of the city and their inspection, it is best to stop in the Kolaab area. For some tourists who came for a while in Mumbai, Kolaaba is the whole city. In the colorful streets of the collabs, you can essentially walk in the morning and until night, because you do not want to go beyond the limits. It is relatively pure and very many beautiful colonial structures, from each of which essentially the story. And at the same time it is very nice that there is no dirt, there are no beggars and beggars. But it all affects accommodation prices, because in the Collaboy area you are unlikely to find the cheap GEST House for 500 rupees. Rather, finding you will succeed, but you can hardly live there, because the price of decent housing in the area begins from 1500 rupees.

Where is best to stay in Mumbai? 33409_1

Mumbai is generally considered one of the most expensive cities throughout the country and especially this is noticeable at prices for accommodation in hotels. If in Jaipur, Delhi or Varancy, it is quite possible to find a wonderful room for 500 rupees, then in Mumbai for the same number you have to lay out at least three times more. The Collaboy area suits foreign tourists because here you can walk all the main sights of the city - the hotel Taj Mahal, the gate of India, the Museum of Prince Welsh, Marine Drive and Victoria Station, and also about a dozen less advertised interesting places. Even if you do not book a hotel in advance, then it is in the Collaboy area you will always find housing immediately on the spot, because here is the largest concentration of Guest Houses. Then your English, or its complete absence, in this traditionally a tourist place will be perfectly understood.

As an explicit advantage, you can call the fact that in the Kolaab area there is McDonald's and many other different restaurants with absolutely any kitchen. Also here is the famous cafe "Leopold", which Gregory David Roberts glorified in his novel "Chantaram". After all, after his release, Mumbai became famous for the whole world. In addition, here is always at hand shopping - you will be delighted with local markets and shops. One of the main villages of Kolaab is Shahid Bhagat Singh Road, which is a series of small shops with street layouts. Intelligent with larger shops. Also nearby are shops of global brands of clothing, electronics and shoes.

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If the city of Mumbai is in your plans from the starting point for further travel, then you are best to settle near the station or from places from which intercity buses are sent. The ancient colonial architecture of the Collab district is simply exploding the brain, and at some point you can even forget that you are in India, because you surround the dark stone buildings from all sides, green lawns and two-storey red buses. So it seems that you are somewhere in Europe. Of course, striking a huge number of beautiful bookstores, as well as vintage huge buildings with columns or reliefs.

Of course, it is possible to stop in other areas of Mumbai, especially in those where business centers are located and a lot of new housing is built. Such, for example, is the north-central district. But do not forget that Mumbai is a huge city with crowded roads, and the plugs on them are absolutely not uncommon. So it is unlikely to spend your precious time in order to make daily trips, after all, living in Colaba you can walk on all day and inspect everything, and in the evenings walking along the Marine Drive embankment.

The only acceptable alternative to Kolaab can be viewed by the South-Central District Mumbai, since there are also historical sights. Although the hotels here are not too much, but there are very good options and at reasonable prices. Also many good hotels are located in the fashionable area of ​​Western Mumbai. This is a part of the city is more attractive to the fact that it is here is the airport. If you arrived in Mumbai for a while and the attractions are not too interested, you can safely stop here. There are some good beaches, and you will also please make shopping centers and cinemas.

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