When is it better to relax in Kandolim?


The ideal time for a beach holiday in Kandolim is the period from November to March a month. Well, if you decide to spend your honeymoon in this Goana village, then it is best to come here in December. Summer is not a pleasant time to relax in Kandolim, since the rainy season begins here. The protracted rains begin in about mid-June, and the sea at this time the storms and swimming is still dangerous for life, because the storm waves are poured literally all the sand from the beach and take dangerous rocks.

The air temperature on average is kept in the area plus 27 degrees, but the humidity is so increased that it seems as if all your lungs are filled with water. When it does not rain, the land is craying and breathing becomes very hard. For meteo-dependent people is the most real test, when one atmospheric front is immediately replaced by another. In such periods, many suffer from bouts of headaches and from pressure drops.

When is it better to relax in Kandolim? 33367_1

The only delegation of this season of rains is deserted beaches, indomitable greens, tempting prices and empty roads. Already literally with the first drops of rain on Goa everything becomes emerald. And on the background of cloudy and rainy sky, all trees and all shrubs look fantastically bright. The indigenous yokes with great pleasure idle at this time and are engaged in their families. So the local population during this period lives at the expense of the profit, which they received last season, because work in the tourist business in the rain season is not at all. All Kandolim's beach necks are tightly closed, and only snack bars are working with restaurants located along the Calangute road - Fort Aguada.

From the end of August and especially since the beginning of September, it is already raining and less often. An exception is only a holiday dedicated to the Lord Ganesh, the date of which is determined by the lunar calendar. That's it all on this day the rain on Goa is sure to pass. Well, after that, all the bad weather leave, and wonderful Days come to shift. This is such a period when fishing boats are already allowed to go out into the sea, where evil waves gradually subside and re-bring sand to Goan beaches. However, in Kandolim, before November, it is not recommended to climb the water to the water, since there are very hard waves and a sharp depth. Therefore, it is better to wait for the arrival of December of the month when the surf will become quite calm and you can swim without much risk.

With the arrival of March of the month on Kandolim, the real heat is collapsed. The sea becomes so warm, which goes into it you get an unpleasant feeling - it is some thick and dirty like a swamp. Despite the fact that after all, the state's authority is monitoring the purity of the beach, the trash of the wave ashore is still thrown away. Greens all almost disappears, and trees and shrubs are covered with a layer of dust. At this time, it is almost impossible to live without air conditioning in the room. But restaurants and shops in which there is a giving coolness, during this period they enjoy the special attention of the European public.

When is it better to relax in Kandolim? 33367_2

In this period, there is also its own plus - the prices for renting real estate and transportation are falling. The European audience gradually leaves Goa, but she replaces very noisy guests who live in other Indian states. In April-May, all schoolchildren of the country have a vacation and on Indian taste. The weather is already luxurious and the sea becomes warm for them. So on the beaches there are mainly noisy crowds of the local public.

The most pleasant and most comfortable weather on Kandolim expects you from December to February. In the daytime, the average air temperature is about 30 degrees, but it happens that in the evening it can get cold to +18 that after the terrible day heat brings very favorable relief. If you travel, for example, in the evening or night you are not planning anywhere on the motorcycles, you will not need warm clothes in the Kandolim at all.

In early December, the water in the sea is cool and refreshing. But for us, grew up in the harsh conditions of our Motherland, in December swim on Goa is very nice. However, waves can be not so humble as, for example, by the end of February, but not as formidable, which are in October. But all restaurants, beach cafes and shops work in full force. But this period has its own substantial minus - the prices are very high for everything, ranging from rolled bikes and ending with even the purchase of souvenirs. Of course, prices and housing in the month of December are strongly biting. And even nobody will make you concessions. Well, for the new year and for Christmas, naturally, all the owners of the real estate there is no extraction from customers, so you have to put up with this high cost.

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