What is worth viewing in Chelyabinsk?


Another 300 years ago at the place where the Bashkir village of Chelyabi was previously located, a fortress was built. Well, already somewhere to the nineteenth century, the town grown around this fortress gradually became the most successful trading node on the entire Transsib. Then Chelyabinsk developed and quite successfully in the Soviet period and turned into an industrial heart of the country. To date, this city still supplies the whole world with stainless steel and zinc, machines and cranes, tractors and pipes, as well as jokes about the constant severity of their inhabitants, who hardened the difficult ecological situation and of course a sharply continental climate. One of the main heroes in the latest history of the city is considered, perhaps the most famous Chelyabinsk meteorite, but nevertheless there are a lot of old architectural monuments, their tourist Arbat and very unique even for all global standards of structures. Well, on all sides the city surrounds wonderful pine forests.

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The very first urban attraction - 12 Meter Stone Monument "Talk about the Urals" You will see immediately after arrival right on the stationary area. It is a stone bearded, cocked by the same block. In essence, this is a sculptural business card of Chelyabinsk and a generalized image of wealth and power of the Ural Mountains. In all city guidebooks, it is described that the idea of ​​creating the main monument of the city of His author Vitaly Zykov undoubtedly borrowed from the fairy tales of Pavel Bazhov about the stone giant with a huge belt filled with Ural wealth. But in fact, in the collection of the works of Bazhov, there is no such fairy tale at all. But there is, however, the ancient Bashkir epic, telling about the Ural-Bogatyr. In addition, these places, or rather the Urals, have long been called the earthly belt. So the monumental sculpture of the "Tale of the Ural" can be considered the spiritual symbol of the Urals.

One of the main places of the city is the area of ​​the revolution, which, in principle, until it happened, it was called simply southern and was a very fun place, because there was a city brewery, attractions, circus and prison. Well, now the main square of the city is strict and solemn, from all sides by the surrounded houses of the Stalinist architecture. The statue of Lenin is towers over the square, and there is a spacious square with a pretty large fountain around it. On the square there is a beautiful walking alley and of course there are lovers, friends and just familiar. Of course, all major events in the city of Chelyabinsk pass on the square of the revolution, well, in the winter there is an ice town here and the main tree of the city is installed.

Moving along the area of ​​the revolution, you can imperceptibly switch to theatrical area, on which H

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Arabious interest is the round building of the theater of the drama - the locals call it the "drum". In addition to its unusual form, the theater is also famous for its entrances, decorated by the famous Chelyabinsk Castle casting. To prove the simplest and most fun way that you visited Chelyabinsk, is the fact of a joint photo with a symbol of the city - a bronze camel, which is located on the theater area. Back in the eighteenth century, he was placed here the famous and official historian Vasily Tatishchev, since heraldry believes that the camel is a symbol of trade and prosperity. But that camel, which is now on the square, cast from bronze in Italy in 2015. In his sides, you can see historical events, as well as persons who have influenced the city - Chelyabinsk meteorite, tanks, tractor, Tsar Alexander III, by decree which was carried out through the city, and so on.

Not everyone knows that in Chelyabinsk there is his own Arbat, which is called molding. This is the main pedestrian tourist promenade of the city. This street can be said that literally all is installed with cheerful, serious, allay and strange sculptures. Including here you can see a monument to Onegin, which is difficult to distinguish from Pushkin, a boy with camels, a beggar, Modnitsa, which looks at the present mirror, then Chelyabinsk Hachiko and also many others. On the same street there are many different cafes, boutiques and very old buildings like the two-storey merchant mansion Akhmetov. Over his very touching wooden curls literally hangs the icy romance of the huge business center Chelyabinsk-City, which is considered the highest building in the city.

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Also right in the Chelyabinsk Arbat you can see one of the most beautiful vintage buildings of the city - the elegant Valeeva trading house, built in the style of Modern. Back in 1911, the merchant Phaseylzhan Valeyev (a leather from Bashkir peasants) built a real pre-revolutionary IKE in Chelyabinsk, that is, a trading house with its own power plant in the basement and with luminous shop windows, which sells gramophones, colonial goods, furniture and so on. The showcase of this store was located similar to the real Iron and the scarecrow the White Bear, which stretched passers-by boots. To date, this building is still a kind of shopping center, because there are several dozen stores, as well as a cafe with the Ural dumplings, well, and other different institutions.

Of course, undoubted interest in Chelyabinsk represents the building of the South Ural State University, which is considered one of the largest universities of the country. It is also noteworthy not only the building itself, but also his amazing story. It began to be built back in 1952 taking as the basis of the architecture of the famous Moscow Stalinist heights. However, at the same time, Nikita Khrushchev came to replace the leader, who led an active struggle with architectural excesses, and the project was thus cut to a regular box. And only in 2004, this 86-meter university skyscraper was completed by the initial project with all alleged towers and even golden spiers. Tourists always first draw attention to copper shapes located on side towers, which, as it were, in the literal sense, jump from the roof. One of them is a sculpture of Prometheus, carrying the fire of knowledge, and the second is the goddess of Victory Nick with a wreath on the head.

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From religious buildings, Alexander Nevsky Temple, which was built in 1911 by the famous architect Alexander Pomerantsev, who is the author of the GUM building on Red Square in Moscow. This brick temple built in a unquestous style with complex forms and ornaments is designed as if to resemble the ancient Russian and also Byzantine Cathedrals. As usual after the revolution, this church was partially destroyed and turned into housekeeping. But in the eighties of the last century, the Chelyabinsk philharmonic was carefully renovated by this church, and inside the German organ with unique acoustics installed. Because of this, the authority was essentially a painful conflict, when the temple in 2010 was returned to the Lohn of the Russian Orthodox Church. According to the results of the conflict, the authority was moved to the "Motherland" cinema hall, but in the temple itself there is a difficult restoration for a long time.

Also in Chelyabinsk it is worth paying attention to the monument to Igor Kurchatov - the academician and native of the Chelyabinsk region, which is the father of the Soviet nuclear, as well as hydrogen and thermonuclear bombs, and in the peaceful nuclear power. According to the project of the sculptor Vardkes Avakyan, two 11 meter granite stella were installed, and between them, as it were, the atmosphere was broken by half and froze the Kurchatov himself with his famous beard and a strange heavy coat. In the evening, the torn atom is highlighted looks pretty symbolic. It is also noteworthy that with the help of investors managed to improve the space around the monument itself.

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