When is it worth going to rest in Essentuki?


In general, we can say about the resort of Essentuki, which has recently been greatly transformed for the better, since new sanatoriums are built here and recreation areas are built. Almost in the center of the resort there is a small organ hall and a small concert. During the holiday season there are fountains, there is an amusement park and a lot of cafes. In addition, you should not forget that artists often come here on tour, and in the local park it is constantly sold products of local craftsmen - souvenirs, all sorts of sweets and products from sheepskin and wool.

Essentuki for a long time are famous for its famous mineral water number 4 and number 17, which are incredibly useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, you must understand that this is not the water that they sell in bottles - it is much tastier. Well, in what form is best to drink - in a cold or warm, in what quantity and at what a specific time, all this is already appointed by the doctor. All bureaucrats with mineral water are located in three different places of the resort and everyone chooses to taste what he likes and goes back and walks.

When is it worth going to rest in Essentuki? 33333_1

So practically it represents a whole ritual - vacationers during a slow walk are sent to a source with mineral water. Well, some men in the evenings are sent to other people in the evenings, where you can take wine and cognac, as well as other coarse drinks. Naturally, from May to October, all vouchers and prices for treatment in sanatoriums are much higher than in other months.

But in general, it can be said that in the summer there is too hot and there are too many vacationers, so large queues are going to the procedures. If summer is roast, it is better to choose a sanatorium with your own territory for recreation, and that there was a pool. Be sure to buy a trip carefully, read what treatment is included in its value. Otherwise, it simply may turn out that you have to pay extra for the procedures you need. You should also understand that on holidays and on Sundays, no medical procedures are released, so you can safely plan the excursion for these days.

From November to December in Essentuki, it is possible to stand quite comfortable weather - plus 10 plus 15 degrees of heat. But the most diverse at this resort is usually February. Oddly enough, for some reason, local doctors are recommended for the treatment of the body from February to March a month, and maybe it's just that they have such a marketing move who knows them. When you choose a sanatorium during this period, then definitely pay attention to whether there are indoor transitions from therapeutic to sleeping in the sanatoriums, because it's not too nice after the procedures to put on all the clothes and go to the cold. It is especially unpleasant after you took a warm bath, go through a cold street.

When is it worth going to rest in Essentuki? 33333_2

Even, by the way, it is pleasant to go to a sanatorium in May, when nature blooms and gives all sorts of aromas for vacationers. First, tulips bloom, then apple trees and apricots, followed by lilac and jasmine. Then the chestnuts are blown with huge candles. By the way, there is even Sakura here, but she is true in the Caucasus for a short time - three or four days, but you can love to love. May weather is different - sometimes cold and the thermometer column does not rise above 10 degrees of heat, and sometimes it is hot to plus 30. This is already lucky.

It is also very pleasant to come at the end of September to the Golden Autumn, the weather is usually warm to plus 20 degrees, but in October it can already get cold and go rains, and sometimes even falls out. It should also be borne in mind that Essentuki is still practically in the pittance between the mountains, so there are very strong winds periodically here. In general, the Essentuki resort is more meant for a quiet and peaceful, as well as a measured rest, well, of course for excellent treatment. Only you need to choose a suitable sanatorium for yourself. Food in the canteens here is mostly dietary, so you can easily lose weight. By the way, there are even special programs for this purpose, but not in all sanatoriums, but only in some.

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