What excursions worth visiting in Petrozavodsk?


Excursions from Petrozavodsk in Karelia produce in all tourists a truly amazing impression of the amazing nature of this edge. However, in addition to picturesque and amazingly beautiful nature, there is still a large number of historical monuments along with simply impressive buildings. So almost all guests of this region will be able to find a lesson in their taste. In particular, the excursion in Karelia from Petrozavodsk is in great demand in the summer, since at this time of the year it is much easier and much more comfortable to travel.

One of the most, perhaps, in demand is an excursion to the island of Kizhi, which is located in Lake Onega. The same name architectural ensemble is also called, consisting of churches and bells of the construction of the seventeenth-nineteenth centuries. The most famous building on the island is the Wooden Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, which is included in the List of UNESCO Heritage Objects. The media do not forget to call it the eighth miracle of the world. According to the legends, a carpenter Nestor built it with the help of alone alone, and then threw it into the lake.

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And in fact, the church log house is really built without nails, he has 23 chapters that resemble the bulbs, and all of them are covered with thousands of lemirshos - the so-called aspen tiling, manufactured at that time solely manually. In addition to churches in the Kizhi, you can also see the houses of peasants with restored interiors and homemade utensils. This is really one of the incredibly interesting excursions, besides, the island is only 50 kilometers from Petrozavodsk. From May and to October a month, when navigation passes, you can get there by boat, and from January to March a month to Kiezi can be reached on a snowmobile or on a vessel with an air cushion.

The next interesting object in Karelia is Ruskeala's Mountain Park, which is about 250 kilometers from Petrozavodsk. In fact, this is a flooded marble quarry and here along multicolored rocks, something reminiscent of crumpled paper, spruce, well, and under them the emerald color water. In the park, you must certainly visit the workshop on stone processing and underground caves, as well as a career you can ride a boat. Some particularly brave tourists in order to get from one edge of the career to another, use trolls, that is, the descent on the stretched cable.

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Also 50 kilometers from Petrozavodsk in Kondopogsky district there is the very first Russian resort, which was discovered by Peter the First - he is called "maritarian waters." The resort consists of four ferrous mineral springs, and the water in each of them differs in its composition. For example, from one source it is best to drink water to people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and from the other to those who have problems with the cardiovascular system. However, water from all sources can be absolutely free. There are two sanatoriums in the village - "Palaces" and "Martial Waters", where they treat muds, then physiotics and of course with water from sources, and treatment in sanatoriums is very democratic.

Also, we must certainly visit Valaam - the island, who, together with the village, is 290 kilometers from Petrozavodsk in the Lake Ladoga. There is a male valaam monastery along with temples and beds surrounded by forests, rocks and tiny islands. Some tourists go here to pray and learn more about the history of the monastery, others to get acquainted with the picturesque nature and find out how in the house of persons with disabilities they have lived their soldiers breathtaking during the Great Patriotic War. Many people have become aware of them from the famous series of drawings "Autographs of War".

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Also relatively close to Petrozavodsk, there is one of the most popular and largest Karelian waterfalls - Kivach, which was still squeezed. It is on the Suna River, and the height of the fall of its water is 11 meters. Since this place is incredibly popular in Karelia, then on the observation site there is often impossible to push through, because tourists are brought there with whole buses.

Also on the territory of Karelia, there are four national parks - Kalevali, Ladoga Schhers, Panaarvi and Vodozeri. For example, the park Ladoga Schhers was founded relatively recently, but the environmentalists together with the public for its creation fought for 30 years. In all parks, tourists can safely walk, fish and idle on the background of a completely untouched nature. Also in Ladoga Schkers you can ride boats and in kayaks, but as such is the official rental here, so far there is no, so you can rent flooders that are available from local turbases.

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If you want to get acquainted in a short time at once with a large number of interesting natural attractions of this region, then you need to make a tour of the Golden Ring of Karelia. In its process, you can see at once a few unique places of this edge, and all this can be done in one day.

You will visit the samboo mountain, where you can make desires and enjoy magnificent views, and you will also learn a lot of interesting things about the old epic "Kalevala". Then you will visit the first resort in Russia - "Marcial Waters" and can even try to taste them. Also during the excursion, you will be able to see Palenovulican Girvas - one of the oldest craters of the planet, then you will see a waterfall Kiwach, after it will be in the Museum of Nature and still in the Arboretan in the National Park.

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