What are the interesting places worth a visit to AGE?


Agoy is in a common small and incredibly cozy resort village, which is located in the Tuapse region of the beloved of all Krasnodar Territory. In fact, it is 5 kilometers from Tuapse right on the shores of the Black Sea. Nature Here, of course, the crystal clear river is descended from the mountains, then there are amazingly beautiful mountain landscapes and very comfortable pebble beaches, and in addition, there is still a sufficient amount of entertainment, so there is nothing surprising that every year more and more comes here And more travelers. In principle, all natural attractions of the resort and its surroundings can be quite inspecting independently, but if you want, you can go there with a guided tour.

What are the interesting places worth a visit to AGE? 33321_1

By the way, one of the main attractions of the resort Agoy is right on the outskirts of the village - this is an oak, which has age from 500 to 700 years, but nevertheless, he is pretty firmly held by its roots for earth. Of course, he witnessed a large number of historical events, and now he has already become history. Residents of the village are very proud of this incredible miracle of nature and even called his Oak-Giant. Today, he is a monument of nature and is protected by the state.

The next object, which is usually interested in all guests of the resort Agoy is the temple of the icon of the Mother of God "Sign." It began to be built in 2010, and in June 2012, the first service was already held here. The church has its own shrines, which believers come to worship, and all worships are held here in the Old Slavonic language.

The next remarkable object is the natural attraction - Kiselev's rock. This cliff is notable for having a sleek smooth wall, and she received her name in honor of the Russian artist of the painter Alexander Alexandrovich Kiselev. Once he built his cottage in the local very picturesque places, and in many of his paintings he managed to perpetuate unforgettable landscapes and the unique nature of these places. This rock is part of almost all excursions dedicated to the life and creativity of the artist. But you can also consider the rock and from the walking ship - you will fine see the rare species of Pitsundsky and Crimean pines growing on top of the cliffs. Perhaps you saw this rock in the frames of the film-film team Leonid Guidai "Diamond Hand".

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Also, all tourists usually necessarily visit the Agoysky Pass, which is a naturally protected by the state zone. It is located between the resort of Tuapse and the village of Agoy. The pass is notable in that it is surrounded by unique rocks, and most of them have unusual square forms. It can be said that the nature of millions of years worked on the formation of the image of the local landscape.

If you look carefully, you can even see on the slopes of rocks some bizarre patterns that are centuries-old work of nature. The pass is relatively close to the sea, and there grows a large number of healing plants. Practically to this pass, you can walk from Tuapse, if you go to the side of the village of Agoy, and the walk will take no more than one and a half hours. Do not forget at the top of the pass to visit the equipped viewing area - you will come to her along the path with pointers, well, and on the top of the top will have to climb along a small iron staircase.

In the same place at the top of the Agoi Pass, you can see the monument established by the fighters of the legendary Taman army. She became famous for his military actions during the Civil War, when with fierce battles gradually moved to meet with the main forces of the Red Army in the North Caucasus. Her path just ran through the pass, where fierce battles occurred. The complexity of the fighters of the Taman Army was also in the fact that 25,000 refugees were located with them, so the redarmers had to not only break through the battles through the pass, but also to try to preserve the lives of civilians. This is just in memory of the feat of those fallen fighters and a monument was erected, which is a stella, aspiringly swell, with a red star and surrounded by a reinforced concrete wall.

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Also in Agay, you must certainly plant a Codexian lighthouse, which is one of the most of the oldest complexes in Russia, since it was founded back in 1874. And, what is interesting - he not only performed the navigation functions for ships, but also there were observations of the meteorological situation in the region. Only during the Second World War, the lighthouse firehouse had to be extended due to frequent bombing.

Some elements of the lighthouse are preserved even from the moment of the initial building - this is a wooden railing of walnut, then a spiral staircase, as well as three porches that lead in the room of the lighthouse. The lighthouse stands on an elevation of 53 meters from the level of the sea, and on its very top there is a fluger. And this pretty wind toy also remained from the most initial times, and was repaired by the way for the whole story only once. The lighthouse is still in working condition, but since it is a protected object, it is impossible to get on its territory.

If you walk in the cape of Kadosh in the direction of the Kiselev's cliff, you will see unusual natural education that are very similar to the mink of small rodents. This natural attractions even gave the name - mouse holes. These small caves are located on the sheer cliffs. That is, here the water for many and many centuries gradually washed out layered rock rocks and thus formed in them grottoes, in some of them a person can even hide.

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It is possible to get to the mouse nora only solely on the part of the sea, so it's better to go here in good weak weather, because you have to walk on the rocky day from Kiselev's rock, but believe me that the result is worth it. As a result, you will see transparent water and a magnificent landscape that is almost intact by a person. Near you consider not only the grotto, but also rock formations with bizarre natural patterns.

It is also worth going to the agoisky waterfalls, the truth of the trails for which you can pass to them pass through the wild forest, through streams and boots. In the vicinity of the village of Agoy there are two waterfalls with very simple names - male and female tears. If Waterfall Women's Tears is a multistage, then men's tears are more reminded by a stream. When you travel to this waterfall, you will see that the nature there is almost completely touched by the hands of a person. On both sides, the age-old trees will be surrounded, which cling to their mighty roots for the slopes. So you will undoubtedly create the impression that you fell into some kind of enchanted forest, in which each tree practically has its own fancy appearance. Only when you go to this walk, be sure to take care of comfortable shoes, because forest trails are periodically very slippery and especially after the rains.

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