What is worth viewing in Arkhyze?


The village of Arkhyz is a completely mansion in Karachay-Cherkessia among other tourist destinations. For a long time, this mountain village attracts tireless travelers to itself. First of all, it is necessary to inspect the natural monuments here, but there is still a sufficient number of historical sights. One of these very interesting and unusual places is the Astrophysical Observatory of BTA, which is located in Nizhny Arkhyze.

The observatory certainly affects its scale, although it was built in the second half of the last century. To date, the observatory is one of the largest institutions of this type throughout Russia. However, if you want to take a look at the starry sky in a large telescope, then you need to sign up in advance, or come here in the excursion group. Here you can listen to a very interesting lecture, which is read especially for tourists and in which it describes the structure of the universe. Well, the pride of BTA is considered a unique telescope, which is even listed as one of the world's largest in the Guinness Book.

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When you hear the name of the arhyze, it is primarily associated with mineral water. And this is all right, because the plant is located in this village, which spills out this water with the same name. Water is extracted from a well, located at an altitude of 1500 meters from the sea level. Well, the source of this water is essentially served by the glaciers of the mountain system of the North Caucasus. Huge floors on tops are gradually tapping and flowing inside the Sarmatian Sea. Thus, water is saturated with incredibly useful trace elements and substances. Well, then it is already additionally processed in the well. By the way, at the factory you can buy a couple of other bottles of this drink.

If you have a desire to look at a bird's-eye view on the village of Arkhyz and inspect it completely, then for this you need to get into a special observation platform, which is on one of the rocks. It was removed from the village about two kilometers, and the road to takes at least a whole hour there, but it is possible to visit it completely free. Despite the fact that the platform is not equipped at all, it does not even stop the tireless guests of Karachay-Cherkessia. About this open plot, located on a rock, known to all residents of the village, and they gladly accompany travelers if they fear to go alone. Well, the types of from there are open fantastic, so the trip to Arkhyz will not be considered to be held if you did not bother to visit here.

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Also, it is certainly worth visiting the Alansky fortification, which is actually the open-air museum. There you can already get to know the period when you really existed the Alan Kingdom. It was founded in the city of Maas - the estimated capital of this ancient state. To date, this protected area actually occupies an impressive area, so in order to make a walk there, it is best to rent a car, or take advantage of the bike, otherwise you just do not have time to see all its territory. The most interesting objects of the museum are - the ancient temples, and one of the churches is the acting, the stone figure of the trump soldier and the solar calendar having the shape of a stone circle. You can go there completely independently, because signs lead to the attractions. You can also go there as part of organized excursions. There are no power points along the path, so it is better to capture some sandwiches with you.

At an altitude of about 2.5 kilometers, an amazingly beautiful lake with a magical name is seven-color. In all guidebooks, in which the sights of Arkhyz are indicated and there are photos, it is necessarily mentioned about this lake, since this reservoir is considered almost one of the most beautiful on the entire planet. Well, the name of this natural reservoir undoubtedly received water for extraordinary color. In sunny weather, it overflows with all the colors of the rainbow. Apparently, such a color effect is achieved due to the reflection in the water of the entire surrounding landscape and minerals, which are located right at the bottom of the lake. In the warm season in the Valley of the River Big Dukka, almost all tourists coming down, which are guests of this edge, in order to fully appreciate the beauty of this extraordinary lake.

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In the top attractions, the village of Arkhyz also includes Fedoseev's pass. It is literally near the Lunar Polyana, and you can reach the funicular. Well, the name of this attraction received by the name of the writer Grigory Fedoseyev. Since the pass is located at an altitude of almost 3000 meters, then it is almost very difficult to get on it almost very difficult and tourists are recommended to take someone from experienced guides. Then the ascent does not seem so difficult. From the height of the pass, you can see the types of legendary Elbrus and other mountain peaks of the North Caucasus. There is also a monument to the writer, in honor of which this object itself was named. This pass is very often organized by the ascensions of the writers of the writer Fedoseev.

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