What excursions worth visiting in Murmansk?


In general, Murmansk was never considered excursion Mecca, but recently more and more inhabitants of our country for some reason are not sent in Sochi and not in the Crimea, but in the capital of the Russian north. Of course, it is impossible to compare the volumes of tourist flows here, but for Murmansk such suddenly suddenly breaking interest in this city is an undoubted stimulus for development. And indeed, in this city there is something to see, however, as well as in the area. So those tourists who are for the first time find themselves on the edge of their homeland are very and very surprised at how much the most interesting is both in the city and in its surroundings.

After the screenshots have entered the screens and something on the scandalous film "Leviafan", more and more tourists want to visit the teriberok village located 130 kilometers from Murmansk, which became the venue. He is almost on the edge of the earth, that is, here you can stand on a completely deserted shore and be alone with the ocean elements. This place is perfect for inborn romantics, for incorrigible extremists and, of course, for photographers' lovers. In addition to the actual stunning ocean panorama in the village of Teriberka, you can also admire the picturesque waterfall, the cemetery of wooden ships and the old artillery battery.

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If you wish, you can also be afraid of fish and diving, though in cold water, but closer to winter you can admire the Northern Lights. There is a restaurant and even a few hotels in the village, so if you suddenly decide to stay here longer, then you will not have any problems. If you want to go to the Teriberka yourself, you can do it on the bus, since the minibuses do not go there. The bus goes away from the bus station every day, but four hours will have to go.

In order to feel and understand the northern nature of truly, we must definitely go through the Kola Peninsula. This is amazing, although of course the harsh nature, which you can admire infinitely, then do not forget that there are excellent conditions in order to correct, then unusual cultural monuments, you can also admire the Northern Lights, and also should not forget about The spirit of adventurism and romance, and all this is practically year-round attracts tourists on the peninsula.

Here you will certainly need to visit the Lapland Reserve, to visit the Lovozersk Tundra and on Seydizer, ride on the shoe along the Kola Bay, visit Hibin and Togocho shore. Of course, a simple way to get acquainted with the Kola Peninsula - this is a review tour. For example, there is a special route along the Kolsky fjord, according to which you for four hours reach the famous waterfall on the northern River Lavna. Well, you can also rent a car to drive all these sights on their own on their own.

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If you do not have time to inspect the entire peninsula, you can simply visit the old Kola Bridge, which is located in the suburb of Murmansk, because it is from here that the Kola Bay begins, which is essentially one of the fjords. Well, on the west shore of this bay near Abram-Cape, there is his namek, or rather the village, which is now considered to be the city microdistrict. From here you can admire the excellent panorama of the city. But, besides the actual panorama in the village there are also something to see - you can visit for example, the air defense museum in which there are not only anti-aircraft openers, but also airplanes. Excursion from Murmansk in the village of Abram Cape will give you a complete picture of the Northern Nature, and you can also feel the spirit of this edge and its unique atmosphere. By time it will take not so much - the bus will deliver you to the village literally for some 15 minutes.

Any traveler especially in winter will undoubtedly be interesting to visit the Ski Resort Big Wedjun, which is located in Kirovsk on the slopes of the Khibiny Mountains. This resort is famous outside the Murmansk region, since one of its main advantages is considered a variety of routes. Here will be equally comfortable to ride and beginners, and experienced skiers. Even those who are essentially indifferent to skiing, because from the mountain Aikuyvenchorr, you can admire fantastic panoramas. Want to stay here for a few days? You will not have any problems because there are excellent hotels in the city. From Murmansk to Kirovsk, you can reach the bus, or by rail to the station Apatity.

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One of the most unusual and mysterious attractions of the Kola Peninsula is labyrinth, called Babylon, who has been approximately 4,000 years old, is located in the Kandalaksha region. It is unknown to reliably, it is unknown so far - maybe it was one of the sanctuations, and therefore, the primitive people for future generations were captured by a fishing trap scheme.

Esoterics certainly consider the Labyrinth Babylon as a real place for strength, well, and all other tourists consider it a completely decent competitor to Stonehenge. Since the labyrinth is located 4 kilometers from Kandalaksha, then it is necessary to get here first to get on any form of transport - by train, or by bus. Well, after you have already arrived in Kandalaksha, you can take a taxi and take it on it, or if the weather is good, then for 40-50 minutes the wave can be reached on foot.

One of the most sought-after travelers in travelers is to visit the Musta Tunturi Ridge, which is located from Murmansk at a distance of about 130 kilometers. It does not simply separate the Middle Peninsula from the mainland, but is also a silent witness of the most important historical events. Even before 1939, the border was held on him, but during the Great Patriotic War, the front line on the ridge of Must-Tunturi was the only one at the time of the front, where the German offensive literally failed at the end of June 41 and for the entire military actions to German invaders Generally failed to advance here a step. Tourists attract here not only the desire to give a tribute to the memory of the heroism of the fighting warriors, but also fantastic beauty opening from the ridge. However, you can only get here in the excursion. In addition to the museum and also remaining with the war, the distils here you can see picturesque waterfalls on the Titov River and the historical exposition "Titovsky frontier".

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Also, very interesting excursions can be made on the Peninsula fishing and medium. Here you are waiting for dunes and waterfalls, the greatness of the rocks and the smooth of the lakes, as well as the ancient stones of the seed and the remaining trenches from the Great Patriotic War. All this is located on the fishermen connected by the transfiner and medium, which are washed by the Barents Sea. You can come here for one day, but if you wish, you can and for more. The sea here does not freeze because of a warm Nord-Capsession, but the name of the fishery peninsula is fully justified, because in coastal waters there is an incredible abundance of fish.

History lovers will undoubtedly become interested in Petroglyphs of the Zubovsky Lips, as well as parking of primitive people and strengthening military times. Lovers of wild animals will undoubtedly come to a complete delight from the type of tuck and whales, which here are frolic in the desert banks. However, note that no public transport on these peninsulas walks, and it is recommended to travel on cars to these places only an experienced driver. Therefore, it is best to order a jeep tour, or go as part of a regular excursion.

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