Rest in Sol-Iletsk: Useful Information


Not far from the border with Kazakhstan in the Orenburg region is the Russian Dead Sea, and even more precisely, the wellness resort called Sol-Iletsk. This little town has already become widely known throughout Russia with his saline lakes and healing mud. It can also be said about him that Russian from the Kazakh culture was amazingly mixed here, which gives this area peculiar attractiveness and color.

Every year in order to support health, or simply for rest in Sol-Iletsk come in the summer more than one and a half million tourists. Despite the fact that the town has modest sizes, its surroundings are incredibly rich in natural gifts. Seven lakes are located on the territory of Sol-Iletsk, and each of them has exceptional human health properties and chemical composition.

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The most valuable in this regard is the lake of the collapse, formed as a result of salt mining in Mount Tuztub. What is interesting is that the fact that the lake collapse on the concentration of salt is considered several times even more salty than the famous dead sea. It is almost impossible to drown in it as well as there, and also no living being will be found here. And what else is remarkable here - its surface heats up very quickly, and at the bottom of the water everything remains almost ice.

And all this is due to the fact that there is a very big depth of the pit - about 22 meters. In the summer, in order to take some comfortable place on the shore of this lake, people have to get up early. And you can see the early morning stream of people literally from the very moment when the office opens. Only swim in the reservoir should be carefully - you can not be divered under the water with your head, and it should not be in the face of splashes, especially in the eyes.

The second lake is called small urban - it is incredibly rich in minerals, and in its composition its water is very similar to the waters of the Caspian Sea. And next to him literally located the only lake in the city with fresh water - great urban. Here you can make plenty and refreshing even on the hottest day. The following lake Dinino is less salted and more well known as bromine. It has a very relatively small - no more than 4 meters depth. Here in it just inhabit a sufficiently large number of racks of the appearance of Artemia Salina, which is why the water has a reddish tint. At the bottom of this lake, there is a copy, probably, the censes of the healing dirt that was formed during the expense or, due to the salt and of course the remains of these most racks.

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Two lakes are new and hungry funnels have a similar saline concentration with a Dunino lake. Near the lake, there is still no particularly developed infrastructure, so among holidaymakers it is less popular. Of all the lakes, the Sol-Iletsk is considered to be a Tuzzy Lake. In the summer, water in it is heated to 60 degrees, so this lake is considered to be hot healing sources. Water in the uzzy lake has a very rich in chemical composition and on its healing properties of mud.

Such dirt is very helpful to treat joints, skin diseases and spine. In principle, they can be used even for cosmetic purposes, and for rejuvenation. However, this lake is not recommended to visit more often than once every 2 days. But young children and those who have various forms of oncology, or cores it is a lake at all categorically prohibited. Around the lake there are numerous hospitals, in which, under the supervision of experienced doctors, good results are achieved in the treatment of various diseases without side effects and without harm to health.

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The lake of the hungry funnel is also quite saline and richly richly mud. Bathing in this reservoir is compared even with treatment in Pyatigorsky resorts. Also among the holidaymakers, a salt mine is very popular, which is located in the city at a depth of 300 meters. In addition to the fact that there can be descended and inspecting it, the air of the mine is very beneficial to the pulmonary and nervous systems. In one of the spent mines, the chapel of the Varvar Martyrs was even equipped with their special microclimate, promoting the treatment of many diseases.

Of course, the resort has its drawbacks, and many of them are quite essential. But the most important of its pros and natural natural wealth are air, lakes and dirt. So many people with the most varying diseases today come here to leisure and still feel a pleasant healing effect from local salts and from dirt. In Sol-Iletsk, of course it is worth come at least once to at least make exploration. Well, it's better to come here every year to keep the body in a healthy condition and receive positive emotions, well, or at least just change the situation.

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