What are the interesting places worth a visit to Vologda?


Vologda is definitely one of the oldest Russian northern cities, and the old temples and merchant houses are perfectly preserved here. Now in the National State Register included more than 190 Vologda architectural monuments and the most ancient of them dates from the sixteenth century. So the main attractions in Vologda can be called wooden architecture monuments, the ensemble of the historic center, stone temples and churches, museums with theaters, as well as parks and urban sculptures.

The center of Vologda is considered a lazy platform - in former times around it there were strengthening of the Vologda settlement, well, and now there is a pretty busy street of Burmagins next to this place. Nowadays, a monument to the 800th anniversary of Vologda was installed in the lazy site, and a little further from him there is a monument to the monk Gerasim Vologda, who is essentially the founder of this city.

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Start your acquaintance with the city is best with the Vologda Kremlin. It is almost one of the most vintage historically significant city attractions. Unfortunately, the Kremlin itself has not been preserved to this day, but there are some more interesting places on the large square here. The Kremlin was built in 1567 by decree of Ivan the Terrible and then it consisted of a three-meter wall and more than 20 towers. Initially, the Kremlin served as the urban fortress, so the towers and walls were well fortified.

However, in 1612, no walls nor the tower saved the city from the attack of Polish and Lithuanian troops. The small part of the wooden buildings was then burned, and the reconstruction spent only after 20 years. Inside the Kremlin was located a small city with avenues, streets and with residential buildings, and in the center he was located the Sofia Cathedral. Today, from the former Vologda Kremlin, unfortunately, there is a little left, and it happened because at the beginning of the XIX century everything that could be disassembled for construction and remained only a few historical buildings.

For example, the Resurrection Cathedral, which refers to the monuments of the architecture of the federal significance. They built it back in 1776 and for construction was just a stone from the Kremlin Tower. The cathedral is two-storey and accommodates four came together with the refectory. The architectural style of the cathedral is a mixture of various species - an ampury, Russian northern and classic baroque. In the XIX century, during the reconstruction, the interior of the cathedral was completely changed.

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Vologda Sophia Cathedral is considered the oldest stone building in the city, since it began to build it back in 1568. Today, it is a very popular place not only in pilgrims, but also in numerous tourists who attract its appearance and very beautiful interior decoration. This cathedral was built on the sample of the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow and the construction of it lasted 20 years, however, unfortunately, in the XVII century, during the war with Poland, he was pretty seriously injured. However, in the same way quickly and renovated. And although in the Soviet period in this cathedral did not pass worship, but still not to destroy him, but was transferred to the local history museum. Well, in 1935, this temple was recognized as a historical monument.

Starting from the sixteenth century and right up to the revolution, the bishop courtyard was considered the cultural and administrative center of the entire Vologda diocese. Nowadays, he is called Small Kremlin. It is almost close to the Sophia Cathedral and in essence consists of several buildings. From a historical point of view, the most valuable among them is the economy corps, since it has been preserved from the seventeenth century. Well, already new buildings together with new buildings were added in the eighteenth century. It is noteworthy that these buildings were never rebuilt, but they are regularly restored. Now in the premises of the bishop courtyard is the main Museum-Reserve of Vologda.

Of course, everyone heard about the very famous Vologda lace, therefore, being in Vologda, you must certainly look into the Lace Museum, which by the way is almost in the very center of the city. The permanent exposition in this museum was opened only in 2010, and at the solemn ceremony then attended guests from very many European countries. Since 2015, the Vologda Museum of Lace is among the top ten of the world's best museums. The museum's exposition is devoted not only to the history of Vologda Lace, but also by world traditions, since the collection was formed during a very long years. At the exhibition you can see the costumes that sewed the Vologda craftsmen on the sketches of traditional clothes of the past centuries. It can be seen here and European samples, as well as compare the Austrian, Polish, German and Belgian lace among themselves.

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Another very interesting museum of Vologda is called the "world of forgotten things." When you get there, then the time as if it slows down in itself. Inside everyone meets a cozy living room with lamps, with a samovar and a common calm moderate atmosphere. Before the revolution, the family of the merchant Panteleeva lived here, well, and after her, the house was empty. Since 1991, the house has decided to transfer the Museum-to the Reserve and first planned to create a certain similarity of the Literary Museum. But for him there was not enough exhibits, so they decided to create a house of the nineteenth century sample.

On the ground floor there is a dining room, living room, children's and office. In the rooms of the museum you can see a lot of items that are found quite quite rarely, for example, a gramophone with plates, and by the way, it even works. The museum is very often the most interesting musical salons, where you can listen to music from past centuries. Also periodically modern artists are exhibited here. Therefore, it is not surprising that tourists from various countries are often found among visitors to the museum.

There is also a very interesting and very unusual monument to the letter "o" in Vologda. It was established in 2012 and is a peculiar gift in the city to the 865th anniversary. It's no secret that this letter is very clearly allocated in conversations of local residents, and is also often found in the names of parks, squares, in the names of shops and other places. Well, by your appearance, this patterned pretty letter should be grateful to students of the Institute of Business.

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In many Russian cities, house-museums have been preserved, where the Emperor Peter I once stopped at one time. Also, Vologda is not an exception in this regard. Back in 1885, a house-museum was opened at the place of a small house located on the banks of the river. In fact, this building did not belong to Peter first, and the brothers merchants from Holland -adolf and Johann Gutmann lived in it, which came to Vologda back in 1652. They owned houses in many cities and most closely communicated with Peter first. But from all these houses now only the house, in which Peter was constantly stopped at his trips to Vologda.

So the 200-year-old anniversary of the Russian emperor was built on and smashed Square, then they were consecrated and opened in 1885 by the museum. In the house there are only two rooms - anterior and a small room with two furnaces. First, in the exposition of the museum there were approximately 500 exhibits. These were medals, coins, chairs, vintage books, various things of that period and even cannons. In the Soviet period in the building stationed a local history museum, well, and now, after restoration, a new exposition is located in the museum, which presents the rich nobility house of the early eighteenth century. The collection you can see a lot of exhibits, among which there is a clothing of Peter and genuine decrees of the emperor, Dutch chairs and so on.

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