What is interesting to see Khuzhir?


Sights of Olkhon Island is beyond any doubt will be able to hit even the most sophisticated tourists. And what is the most interesting thing - to some of them from the huzir, you can easily walk on foot. One of them is Cape Burkhan with a chamanka cliff, which is considered not only the main attraction and a business card of Baikal, but also one of the sacred shrine of Asia. And this is a miracle on the north-west coast of Khuzir. So for 15-20 minutes a free step there can be reached from almost any part of the village.

Buryats called Cape Burkhan in honor of Baikal's main deity because they considered this rock to be the place of his habitat. However, Buddhists have this rock, on the contrary, it has bad fame, because it is believed that in this place once they spent bloody sacrifices. Therefore, probably, the locals still feel fear, being close to her. Also, Buryats believe that it is impossible to pass on wheels, even on bicycles and there is not allowed to come to women, because it can unpain the Spirit of Burkhan. Many tourists neglected by these local traditions, but it is known to reliably that from this cliff, on average, a man is afraid of a year in Baikal. And here are pleased to know - this is a random coincidence or really anger of the Great Spirit.

What is interesting to see Khuzhir? 33261_1

Also in Khuzhir, you need to visit the local local lore museum, which is located on the street Pervomayskaya. He was named after the famous historian Nikolai Mikhailovich Revyakin, who worked as director and teacher at school. It was he and then came the idea about the organization of a mug of local history. Together with his students, he explored the island and found the very first exhibits that were essentially the basis of this museum.

Now here in the exposition presents a collection of objects relating to the ancient population of this locality, many copies of the flora and fauna of the island, as well as samples of rocks and minerals. If you come to the museum, and it will be closed, you can knock on the next house, because the daughter of the founder of the museum and his keeper of Capitolina Nikolaevna live there. If you do not want to understand the exhibits in the museum yourself, then pre-order a tour.

It is necessary to visit the traditional Buryat village - this is actually an ethnographic family museum located in an open-air museum. You will find it approximately 9 kilometers from the huzir on the road, which leads to the ferry crossing. You will be surprised, but there will be no Round Buryat Yurt usually, but on the contrary there is a wooden house that resembles a Russian hut. The hosts explain what the dwellings of Buryats look like that, since they began to lead a settling lifestyle. Visiting the village will undoubtedly give you great pleasure, because it is very interesting - you will get acquainted with the way and with the peculiarities of the life of Buryats, you will be fed with delicious dairy products, and children can show a whole view.

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In the northern part of the island you can visit Cape Hoea. There are two types of excursions - automobile and pedestrian and combined, that is, on a boat and car. You can order excursions right in the tourist center in the village of Khuzhir. The excursion lasts an average of 8 hours and is carried out, as a rule on Machines such as UAZ. You will be brought to sights and then there will be a road back, but on the way the guide usually stops in many interesting places and tells the stories and legends of Olkhon Island.

You can choose a tour of the boat - it is more comfortable, because the road is very smashed and his time of the following shakes it. From the Buryat language, the name Hoea is translated as "Klyk" - this is exactly how it immediately comes to mind when you look at the main cliff of this Cape. Guides usually love to tell the legend in which it says that this rock is a petrified Buryat, punished spirits for perfect vices. There is a very interesting and picturesque Cape Sagan-Khusun or "White Cape", a very interesting and picturesque Cape and a little further Cape Fun, that is, "fat."

Also in the northern part of the island there is the highest point of the island - Mountain Roman (1276 meters from the sea level). Near her foot is the cape. You can also get here from Huzhir, however, to conquer this mountain you need to highlight at least a whole day. Up can be climbed in 4-5 hours, and go down somewhere in an hour and a half. Only in no case do not think to conquer the mountain alone - it is necessary to take someone from the locals as an accompaniment.

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In general, there are a lot of pretty stories about this grief. They say that once a tourist was lost here in the mountains, and after a three-day search, when they found him, he seemed to be crazy. Some locals believe that he could poison poisonous couples who leave the mountain, and someone believes in a legend, telling that the hermit of Han Guta Babai lives on top. Since the mountain is considered sacred, then this spirit scares his omnipresent tourists with any ways.

You also need to visit the island of ogy, which is considered the largest island in the small sea of ​​Baikal. This place is very interesting - the excursion here lasts about three hours. Deliver everyone here on the boat, and on the way the guide tells a lot of different stories and legends associated with Olkhon Island and the Island of Ode. The main attraction of this island is the Buddhist stupa, which was built in 2005. It is believed that it was set in order to dissolve all negative obstacles existing in the world. Buddhists talk about this island as like a "place of power", and indeed, when you come there, you feel the most powerful tide of energy.

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