What is interesting to see Taganrog?


The city of Taganrog was founded long ago - back in 1698 and since his founder became the great Russian emperor Peter I, then in many articles he became the first. In essence, this is the very first Russian port, built on the open sea coast, then the very first naval base of the country and, perhaps, one of the first cities in Russia built on a regular plan. The indigenous population in the city is Russian, but here there lives the order of a hundred nationalities. Naturally, such an unusual and amazing confusion of cultures together with religions could not not leave some traces on the appearance of the city. Probably, therefore, the attractions of the Taganrog of all without exception are not only impressive and admire, but they still do not get tired and even forced to think. So lovers of history and interesting architecture will definitely find a lot of fascinating here.

One of the most interesting attractions in the city is a stone staircase, which is essentially a riddled project. If we look at the steps of the stairs, then the width of them, of course, it seems the same. But if you get up near the base and look at-up, then immediately the fact that the staircase is very strongly narrowed. That was how the architect was conceived initially, and later his idea was used repeatedly in different cities of the world in the construction of stairs.

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The stone staircase was built at the beginning of the XIX century, but it was during the Crimean War, or rather in 1855, one of the greatest battles happened on it - when the squad of British soldiers tried hard to climb up the steps to get into the city, well, and the Don Cossacks were able to stop the enemy on top, opening fire. To date, the stone staircase is one of the symbols of the city of Taganrog. Every year on the day of the city on the steps of the stairs, a massive race is carried out, and the winners receive memorable gifts.

The next beautiful landmark is the oldest is the embankment of the city, which is called Pushkin. Almost she never happens desertless, because the rest is constantly walking, families with children and leisurely walking retirees. Well, the main decoration of this embankment is naturally a monument that was established in honor of the 300-year anniversary of the city of Taganrog.

In fact, convenient pedestrian walkways disagree from the embankment, and in different directions, the Square is formed in different directions. The embankment stretched more than a kilometer, and a lot of green plantings and neat alive hedges are equipped throughout its entire. The embankment employs small restaurants and cozy cafes.

The city of Taganrog is practically inextricably linked with the name of the greatest Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Therefore, we must certainly visit the Museum "House Chekhov". It was in this small fluege, built from globite brick, was born in 1860 the future famous writer. But by the beginning of the 20th century, the house was gradually empty. It should be noted that the museum as usually created by the hands of enthusiasts. Taganrog teachers gradually collected exhibits for him, as well as personal things Chekhov, photos, his school notebooks and restored the situation. The very first exhibition in the museum took place in 1926. The museum you can get acquainted with the exhibits in which it is described about how the writer's childhood passed, about the life of his family, about traditions and about habits. In principle, all documents, furniture and record items - everything has been kept in the same form as the age of a half ago.

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Also, do not forget that Taganrog is associated with the name of the Russian emperor Alexander I, and in the city you need to visit the palace, where I found my last earthly shelter this emperor. The old Greek mansion is located on a very picturesque Greek street and in the XIX century it was in him all the high-ranking persons who were in the city of Driving, or came here with business visits. It is here on the Greek Street in 1825 and the Alexander family settled, since his wife was prescribed rest in a relaxed atmosphere somewhere on the seashore.

Then they thought that in Taganrog, the emperor's family would spend a long time, but unfortunately, after one of the working trips, Alexander returned very and very cold. However, instead of being treated, he continued to engage in state affairs. Unfortunately, the disease began to progress, and the end of November 1825 the emperor did not. The Empress subsequently bought a mansion, and commanded to equip the house church in the room where her spouse died. As a rule, this mansion causes great interest among tourists and all guests of the city consider their primary debt to come and look at the old mansion, which has witnessed such significant events.

In memory of the Great Patriotic War in Taganrog, and rather in its surroundings, a huge memorial complex was built - the Memorial of Glory on Sampling Heights. He was erected in memory of incredibly brave warriors from two famous Taganrog rifle divisions. And the monument itself is two massive horseshoe walls that are broken in the center and in fact they personify themselves exactly those divisions that freed these places from the fascist invaders. From the walls, the figures of the soldiers going to the battle towards the enemy and compressing the weapon in their hands, but in the middle between these walls, the eternal flame is glowed. This complex is essentially the largest monument in the Rostov region.

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Another incredibly interesting place in Taganrog is the museum of urban planning, which is located in an old mansion. It is a huge architectural and cultural value, and not only for Taganrog, but also for the whole country. The building itself of this museum is an interesting attraction - the architecture together with sculpture and painting is very harmoniously intertwined. The unusual facade of the building is represented by isotheral towers, roofs with scallop and windows of different shapes, so the mansion is often compared with the Moscow Yaroslavl Museum. Well, in the halls of the museum are the expositions consisting of local artists. Also, various temporary exhibitions are also very often organized, and for different topics.

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