What interesting can be viewed in Divnomorsk?


If you come to Divnomoreskoe to rest on your own car, then for you it will be much more convenient to visit the main part of the attractions of this village yourself, that is, not acquiring excursions and not binding to all sorts of different troubles. It will be much more comfortable for you and somewhat economical. Mostly in Divnomorsky, all attractions have natural origins.

The most interesting of them is the rock of the sail, and this is a miracle of nature literally not far from the village of Praskoveevka, that is, it is necessary to drive only 16 kilometers from the Divnorsky. By car you need to spend 20 minutes, and you can also drive on the minibus, but some tourists walk along the sea yourself. There are also tourist trips to a rock on the boat.

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The rock looks very impressive - it is raised from the water in a height of 30 meters, its width is approximately 1 meter and at an altitude of 2 meters in the rock there is a pass-through hole. The narrow coastline on one side of the cliff is washed by the sea, and on the other hand, the rocky coast is towers, completely cropped with pines and the layers of the Earth are vertically located. You can visit this clock completely free, so you can take a swimwear with you and even swim next to her.

The following is an extraordinarily interesting attraction are dolmens located on the Jean River. Getting here is also the easiest way by car, but you can either on the bus, or on a minibus. The distance from the village to Dolmen is 13 kilometers, that is, it can be overcome in 15-20 minutes. In principle, buying excursions here also does not make any sense, because directly from the parking lot in the village begins the trail to Dolmen. That is, you need to get to the village of Vozrozhdenie, then go through the road and then go to the signs.

But here already entrance to the reserve must pay and costs this pleasure of 200 rubles. Next you need to pass 4 kilometers along the river bed to get to dolmen and waterfalls. Dolmen are ancient megalithic structures, and still there is no consensus, who and most importantly for which they built them. However, there are many legends and believes about the brilliant and extraordinary power of dolmen, and that they are able to fulfill desires, fill with force and health. In general, about 120 dolmens are already known in the vicinity of Gelendzhik, but here you can see only 4 of them.

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Huge pleasure delivers a walk through the forest. Here you will see even people who live here for months throughout the summer. It may be hippies, yoga, krishnaitis and other informal personalities, who are at the same time trying to slow down their hands in various fruits. Here you can meet ceramic amulets, linen clothes, dreams, swirls, soap, cooked by hand, magnets, grass, honey, tea, as well as various ethnic orientation items. Well, at the end of the way you can walk to the Emerald waterfall, and if you go further, then you will see an even greater waterfall with a height of 15 meters.

One more incredibly picturesque waterfalls are located on the River Pshad. So after a lazy and hot beach holiday, such a walk, and even on the truck it will seem an unusually cheerful adventure. The valley of the river is incredibly picturesque, and there are several beautiful waterfalls, which will be very pleasant way to diversify your vacation. Olyapkin is considered the largest of them, which has nine meters in height, the remaining waterfalls are much less - on average from one to four meters.

Of course, a special kind of pleasure is swimming in the mud volcanoes of Tamani. But you will have a great opportunity to swim immediately at 26 very uniformly scattered in the peninsula of wonderful mud volcanoes. The average temperature in them reaches plus 12 degrees, but there is also much warmer. The composition of this healing, so to speak, "Ji" includes a blue clay, iodine, bromine, mineral water and even some oil.

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And of course, it is worth noting as the sights of an excellent water park called the Golden Bay, which is just a huge territory. There are slides for all absolutely ages of visitors, for all the degrees of madness and for all the thresholds of fear. And it does not matter what composition you will visit the water park, how many years your children or your parents, but positive emotions and hurricane adrenaline are provided with you. You will not regret either about the spent time, no money spent. On the territory that practically occupying 15 hectares, there are excellent water complexes and attractions, many descents, and some of them have no analogues. This is perhaps the largest water park in Russia, and besides, he is among the top five in Europe. Well, for those who are already tired of rampant fun and looked slightly, a large restaurant works on the territory.

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