When is it better to rest in Samara?


Samara is essentially in the middle lane of Russia, that is, this area is moderately a continental climate, so it is about to come here in the summer. As for swimming in the Volga, it can be done from June and up to mid-August of the month, although some locals calmly climb into the water and in September. The best, perhaps, the time for visiting Samara is August month. At this time, on the street it is very hot and sunny, and the water in the Volga warms up to plus 23 - 25 degrees. In addition, in the summer, various festivals are often held in the vicinity of Samara, for example, the famous festival is so beloved in the people of the author's song, which is called Grossian. Also here are youth forums, various car exhibitions and here fans of various extreme sports are often collected.

When is it better to rest in Samara? 33201_1

On the last Sunday of July in Samara, as in many cities, the Navy Day is celebrated. As a rule, on the embankment near the rook, the people are going and observes the course of enchanting action. Sailors, paratroopers and members of military-patriotic clubs usually take part in this holiday. The program every year is different, but nevertheless every time and local residents, and guests of the city are striving to surprise something new. Alternatively, only field kitchen remains and the parades of military equipment, as well as fireworks in the evening. By the autumn, the flow of holidaymakers in the city of Samara is gradually decreasing, because rains begin, and the driver is cold in the Volga. At this time, all open cafes located on the embankment are already closed, and attractions in the parks. Well, almost from November to March, frosty weather is installed on the territory of Samara.

In the summer, Samara is simply gorgeous - the average air temperature starting from June and until the end of August is +25 degrees, water is on average to plus 22 plus 24 degrees. During this period, travelers from different parts of Russia are usually coming here. In the fall, the weather is less favorable - rains begin, dirt and slush, the air warms no more than a plus of 13 degrees in September, and in November, the first frosts on the soil are already quite possible.

When is it better to rest in Samara? 33201_2

Guests at this time in the city are quite a bit, and if anyone comes here, so it is mainly traveling. In the spring in Samara, as well as in many cities of the middle strip of Russia, the interseason reigns. In March, minus temperatures are still quite possible, and then May is already very hot - at the end of the month the air temperature warms up sometimes up to +30 degrees. However, the water in the Volga River is still very cold - no more than plus 15 degrees, so there are a little vacationers.

In winter, Samara is almost all covered with snow, it is frosty weather and under the feet unpleasant to slush from reagents, and off the coast of the Volga River freezes. Mostly tourists at this time of year are only during the New Year holidays. And then the main square of the Kuibyshev city becomes a kind of place for folk festivities. Here the Christmas tree is installed and the rink is poured. In winter, the average air temperature is usually minus 15 minus - 20 degrees, but sometimes it happens much colder.

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