What time is it better to go to rest in Belokurich?


If we talk about the resort of Belokurikha, then it is clear that the main tourist flow here comes in summer and in winter. But to answer the question when it is better to come here, it is definitely impossible. You can come both in summer and in winter, because there are many different events for tourists here at that time. Naturally, at any time of the year, finding places to stay fairly easy here, but still during the winter holidays or at the time of summer holidays it is best to take care of it in advance. In principle, the price of accommodation and services during the calendar year do not change here much, but only for the time of the winter holidays they can completely jump sharply.

Summer is probably the most favorable time to travel to Belokurich. You can view all local attractions at once, ride along the cable car to the mountain with the unusual name of the church, to visit the environmental path called "on the old mill" and on the way to feed from the hands of manual chips, then conquer the Altai Mountains, and in any form of transport - By car, on a quad bike, on a horse or in general on foot. In Belokurich, there are many sanatoriums and in the summer you can swim in the river or sunbathe on the grass, and you can do both. In addition, there is a lot of pools in summer. Well, if you are a supporter of an active recreation, then you have bicycles, volleyball courts and tennis courts that are open almost all summer.

What time is it better to go to rest in Belokurich? 33189_1

If you yourself want or you only get such an opportunity that you come to Belokurick in the fall, then it is best to do this from the beginning of September and about mid-October. At this time of the year, the mountains become unusual - with a pier-golden chip and the time of mushrooms comes. At this time, it is best to engage in hiking or cycling. But but to go to the mountains on some transport already complicated, because at this time there are rain. As a rule, on autumn days, the weather is very warm, but only in the evening it usually becomes cool.

Spring for Belokurikha is the most unpredictable time. It can go snow in April and in May. It is very difficult in advance to determine the best time for the trip, so you need to be very clearly asked with the weather forecast, and hope that he does not deceive. In theory, it is best to come to Belokurich in May. However, cultural events this month are still very small here, and in almost the only occupation for you there may be enjoying natural beauties. But in May, these desires can be fully made. However, if you suffer from any allergic diseases, the spring for you will not be the best time, because abundant flowering of all plants can significantly spoil your vacation.

What time is it better to go to rest in Belokurich? 33189_2

Well, about winter you can definitely say that it is time for ski tourism. In fact, the most huge tourist stream falls on Belokurich on winter days off - on New Year's holidays and so about January 10. At this time, getting to the ski slope is very and very difficult, because there are huge queues there, and indeed prices take off as a cosmic manner. However, winter can be, as very cold to -40 degrees or, on the contrary, it is extremely warm and even with rains. In addition to actually skiing at the resort, there are well-equipped running ski tracks, a large amount of icy hill, both for children and adults, as well as many cozy sites for comfortable skating. Well, near the sanatoriums in the very center of the resort, ice and snow sculptures are very often installed, which are also very beautifully illuminated in the dark time of the day.

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