What time is it better to rest in Sheregesh?


As for the time, which is best to visit Shergesh, then this question can be answered unequivocally - the best in winter. The ski season here starts at about the twenties of November and continues until the end of April, or it happens that before May. In fact, everything will depend on the presence of snow and from weather conditions. However, in the summer there is something to do - you can collect herbs and berries, you can make excursions to the mountains, engage in climbing training and so on. Of course, those who wish at this time are of course less, but nevertheless tourists and in the summer there is enough. In the demi-season period, the situation here is not too pleasant, because the mountains here are mainly not rocky, but the earthy, so dampness and wind together with a slush and with the complete absence of various events does not cause a special influx of both tourists and holidaymakers.

In the summer, mainly Sheregesh are engaged in collecting herbs and berries. If you judge by what a huge number of all sorts of different herbal medicinal billets, honey, and other plant fees are sold here during the ski season, you can understand that the locals are engaged in this process quite tight. In the summer there is an average temperature in the Siberian region from plus 15 to plus 35 degrees. Tourists although a little, but still they are. Basically, lovers of an active lifestyle are inhabited here, and also there are also those who come here solely to look at the local attraction - a large iron cross located on the grief.

What time is it better to rest in Sheregesh? 33162_1

In the autumn on Sheregesha, it is sad enough, since warm days have already ended, drooping rains are poured for a collar, and in general the weather is completely not happy. If we consider that in addition to natural entertainment, there are nothing to do in the residents of megacols, then there are no particular reasons for visiting this resort in September and October. But from the second half of November, the situation here changes dramatically, since the ski season occurs. And although the air temperature does not yet fall below minus 10 degrees, and at the same time there is a bit of sticky snow, and in places in general, it does not dare at all the joy of those who have been waiting for some snow for six months.

Some come before the official opening, but in principle, the lifts begin to work only after it. The start date of the season is as a rule in advance - about a month. If the snow is not falling enough, the beginning of the season can be transferred to a later period. For example, in 2015, another 2 weeks before the official opening of the season, there was almost a metering layer of snow, so a lot of extremals rushed here to try out how pretty a decent cinema or how they are called in the people - "Puklak". Well, the end of November is going to ride already very, so much, so you can safely come and not be afraid that you will be in the mountains and on the slopes alone.

Winter of course for Sheregesh is the most gracious time of the year. Snow is already incredibly much, all the slopes are recreated, well, the lovers of the mountain ski are already trying to test different styles of skiing - freeride, freestyle, high-speed descent, springboards, various figures and everything else that it only comes to mind. The air temperature here, as in the entire territory of Siberia, it happens different - from minus 5 to minus 40 degrees. And it is worth considering that -20 near the foot and -20 upstairs with strong winds are absolutely incomparable. Tourists usually there are many on any weekend, well, in weekdays and in general there are a lot. The most excellent riding happens, as a rule, after the fresh snow. The only disadvantage of the winter is a short light day, so those who love to ride a little longer - they have the last descents to do at dusk.

What time is it better to rest in Sheregesh? 33162_2

In the spring days become warmer and longer, so you can enjoy the sunlight much longer. And if you come here at the end of March or early April, you can even light up, but only the tan will look pretty strange - white traces from glasses and masks, while tanned cheeks and a strip along the hat. But it is not particularly upset - such a tan usually goes away.

In March, the weather happens that near the foot temperature plus 12 degrees, and on the top of the nod to zero. So it is starting to descend in a good hard snow, and in the middle of the way it is literally sticking to ski. In this case, you can easily come to the lift according to the real puddles. The people in the spring here usually happens a whole darkness, a giant queue, everywhere of the tool and a lot of different "charms". But nevertheless, for the sake of excellent parties and even if several good descents, people do not refuse themselves the pleasure of coming here on Sheregesh.

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