What excursions to choose in Arkhangelsk?


While in Arkhangelsk, first of all, after you have already fully studied the whole city, you need to go to the motherland of the greatest Russian scientist Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov in the village, which is called -lomosovo. It is located on the banks of the North Dvina River on Kostertrov. Even until the middle of the XVIII century, instead of this village here there were two separate villages - Denisovka and Mishansky. Mikhailo Vasilyevich Lomonosov was born and lived in Mishanskaya.

Well, in 1911, during the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of this great scientist, the village was renamed. Here you have to visit the historical and memorial museum of Mikhail Vasilyevich, who was opened in August 41 and naturally a monument to Lomonosov. In fact, the project was prepared back in 1947, but the sculpture itself was able to create only six years. And then it passed somewhere five years before the monument was installed in the native village of scientist directly opposite the school. In it, Mikhail Vasilyevich is depicted by sitting and thoughtfully looking away.

What excursions to choose in Arkhangelsk? 33151_1

The next place is worth visiting is Kargopol. Its name is as if half a translation from the language of the Baltic Finns and means or "Rorone Field" or "Bear side". The town of Kargopol was founded approximately in the fourteenth century, and perhaps a little earlier, since exactly the date could not be installed. Modern Cargopol is a city in which the medieval architecture and many samples of the wooden architecture of the nineteenth century, as well as a huge number of churches, which were built here from the sixteenth century, were perfectly preserved.

It is worth paying special attention to the Christ's Cathedral with rare icons, on the house of the merchant Kalashnikov, built at the turn of the XVII-XVIII centuries. The house is very interesting because that he is half a stone, and half a wooden, that is, just as it was taken to build in the north. Further, the Church of Zosima and Savvatiya on the hill is very interesting. This construction externally resembles the rural city estate, but it was built at the beginning of the XIX century. Nowadays, here are the historical and architectural museum.

Naturally, it is worth going on an excursion to the Solovetsky monastery. The village itself on the island arose almost simultaneously together with the monastery complex at the beginning of the 15th century and it is located in the western part of the Greater Solovetsky Island in the White Sea. Of course, the Solovki Kremlin, which began to be built in the XVI century, was considered the most interesting object, which began to be built in the XVI century, then defensive walls with towers around the temples appeared. Moreover, it is interesting - for the construction of this Kremlin, boulders of stones were used, weighing almost up to 20 tons.

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During the Crimean War at the end of the XIX century, the Kremlin was deposited by the British, but could not take. Well, of course, it is necessary to visit Solovetsky canals and lakes, since the archipelago of these islands consists of more than 500 lakes with fresh water, and the main part is located on a large Solovetsky island. The entire lake-channel system was essentially created by monks, starting from the eighteenth century. Well, between such lakes, as a pricing and round orlovo is a dam. Its design is so skillful that she was able to regulate the water level, and the channel could well go through small steamers.

A lot of interesting things awaits tourists at a cue-island, which stretches the length almost 3 kilometers, well, the width is not more than 100-500 meters. The island is located in the White Sea, here on it today it works small in size to the house of recreation, which was founded back in 1924. But the most important attraction of this island is the Onega Cross Monastery, whose history began in fact with the wonderful salvation of the monk, in honor of which the cross was installed. Unfortunately, the monastery was closed back in 1922, and since then he gradually collapses.

Of the natural attractions, special attention should be paid to visiting the Kenozero National Park, which was founded in 1991. Its total area is about 40000 hectares. Currently, the park is included in the World Heritage List. Here the taiga vegetation prevails, surrounded by dense forests, there are also many lakes, swamps and meadows. What is noteworthy is that among representatives of the animal world park there are views absolutely not characteristic of data latitudes. Well, the variety of flora and fauna is so great (all the more so it is preserved in the original form), that this place is incredibly appreciated by environmentalists and researchers.

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Another natural phenomenon in the Arkhangelsk region is the Pinezhsky caves. In fact, it is the extended tunnels that are connected with each other with a variety of passages of the most different width. In the caves you can see various patterns on the walls and the most, perhaps, interesting appear on the ceiling due to frozen water. Moreover, it is noteworthy - in each hall they are very very different, in some there are huge meter icicles of the most bizarre forms, in others only some fuzzy contours, well, and thirdly formed huge crystals. Mostly excursion tours here are held on Golubinsky failure.

To all lovers of something abnormal and unusual will be interested in visiting the big hare island and look at his amazing labyrinths. All of them are man-made, but all of them are different in diameter. For example, the smallest does not exceed 3 meters, well, the biggest stretched at 25. All almost a half dozen of these unique structures are concentrated on a rather modest square in the western part of the island. The labyrinths are all stone and low, completely covered with vegetation and consist of a jet of boulders. The burial structures were found here, in which they even found human remains.

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