What are the interesting places worth visiting in Arkhangelsk?


The hospitable city of Arkhangelsk is considered the capital of the Russian Arctic and in fact he can charm any traveler from the very first sight. In each of his details, the northern nature of the city can be traced, you can even say that in almost every corner. Arkhangelsk is ready to tell about his long centuries-old history, show memorable beautiful places and surprise with bright festivals.

One of the most remarkable places is a seating yard - this is essentially the oldest building in Arkhangelsk, which was erected at the beginning of the XVII century from the tree, and then the Phoenix bird was revived after a fire that happened in 1667. At that time, the city was the most important trading point of the country and the living room was the heart of this trading. After the fire, the building was erected already out of stone. Then it was not necessary for a long time, then it was rebuilt many times, until in 2006 he was completely renovated. So now it is one of the very notable places telling about the history of this city.

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Not far from Arkhangelsk right in the open air is the Museum of Small Kareli. Here you can get acquainted with the exposition of wooden architecture, which takes a total of more than 140 hectares. Here are exhibits that demonstrate the features of the wooden architecture of the XIX century and the beginning of the twentieth century. Visitors can see a large number of churches, chapels and bells, as well as peasant and merchant huts together with windmills. In total, on the background of the delightful Northern Nature, there are over 100 buildings here. However, it is not only possible to get acquainted with the wooden architecture of Russia, but also have fun at the frequently held colorful folklore celebrations, folk games, as well as on the demonstration of traditional crafts and products of local masters.

The spiritual center of this region is the Anthony-Siy Monastery, which is located on the cozy Peninsula of the Mikhailovsky Lake on the way to Arkhangelsk. It was founded in the sixteenth century by Rev. Anthony Siysky. Over time, the monastery complex gradually expanded, well, the monks were engaged in rewriting books and formed a huge library. In the monastery there are engraving, iconographic workshops and their own typography. In 1923, the monastery was respectively closed, and the restoration of the monastery occurred only in 1992, when the monastery was transferred to the Lohn of the Russian Orthodox Church.

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Also in Arkhangelsk need to visit the very pretty Lutheran Church of St. Catherine. It was founded here in the eighteenth century due to the fact that during that period there was allowed to live foreigners and engage in trade. Among the merchants were just a large number of Germans for which the Lutheran parish was also formed. This church was erected at the beginning of the eighteenth century on the site of burnt church. Well, in subsequent years, she also recovered several times and restored until in 1929 was not closed. Nowadays, the church is completely renovated, and here you can listen to the authority, as well as the performances of leading global performers and chamber ensembles. In the Lutheran Church regularly pass services in German.

All guests of Arkhangelsk must certainly visit the old Novodvinskaya fortress, which is essentially the first fortifications of this type in the country. It is noteworthy that this fortress played a very important role in the victory over the Swedes. However, since then she has never taken any participation in any battles, and it remains to our days only ruins. But, nevertheless, they are recognized as a monument that have federal importance. Nowadays, partial reconstruction is produced on the territory of the fortress, but unfortunately a very slow pace. But from the territory of the fortress there is a beautiful panorama of the White Sea and on the Northern Dvina.

We must also have to visit the Arkhangelsk Museum of Museum, which is considered one of the oldest in the north. It was founded back in 1837 and its fund includes over 170,000 exhibits. Moreover, all exposure is placed immediately in 2 buildings. The fact that is considered the main thing is the nature department and five large historical exhibitions. In the local history museum you can see the collections of ethnography and archeology of the northern peoples, exhibitions on shipbuilding, in numismatics, decorative and applied and old Russian art. Thus, guests can find out all the most interesting about the history and culture of Pomerania, starting from ancient times to the present day.

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In Arkhangelsk, there is another incredibly interesting Northern Maritime Museum, which is relatively young, since it was opened in 1990. His exposition tells about the history and development of shipbuilding, how the seaflings occurred in the Russian north, starting from the twelfth century. On the first floor of the building is located so to speak the main exhibition, and the space of the second floor is more focused on children - there you can learn a lot about the history of the fleet development, as well as learn how to knit sea nodes, personally twist the steering wheel and even get interactive references for each vessel model.

The business card of the city is undoubtedly considered a marine river station, since Arkhangelsk is the largest northern port of Russia. Externally, the station building resembles the outline of the ship. It was erected back in 1972, and today it opens a magnificent view of the Northern Dvina. The station is located at the intersection of almost all transport arteries of the city. By the way, on 500 ruble bills, you can see the building of the sea river station of the city of Arkhangelsk, well, and when you come here, then there is a great opportunity to look at it already in person.

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