Why learn Chinese


The ability to speak in several languages ​​always impresses people. If you have the opportunity to learn Chinese - do it. Even basic knowledge will allow you to change your life. Here are the reasons for which the Chinese language preference is preferred:

1. Chinese is the most common language in the world.

Almost every sixth person in the world speaks Chinese. This is a huge number of people - about 1.2 billion, including media of the second language. Chinese prevalence is ahead of English (although English is still the most widely studied).

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2. You will have an idea of ​​Chinese culture.

Language and culture are inextricably linked. And the study of this language will help you to get acquainted with a rich Chinese culture - both traditional and modern. Beginning to speak and write in Chinese with the help of https://ichinese.online/nachni-govorit-chitat-i-pisat-na-kitajskom-sistemnye-kursy-dlja-nachinajushhhi/, you can better appreciate many aspects of this culture:
  • Traditional holidays (Chinese New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival);
  • literature;
  • poetry;
  • art;
  • calligraphy;
  • architecture;
  • And, of course, Chinese cuisine!

There is also a stunning lot of films, music and a show in Chinese - from exciting historical dramas to unforgettable dating show.

3. Knowledge of the Chinese language will give you an advantage in finding work.

Chinese is a valuable asset in the modern business world. Thanks to his knowledge, you will have a lot of opportunities - from doing business with Chinese companies to work in China and interaction with local Chinese communities in other countries of the world. Nowadays, without knowing a foreign language in business sites, almost nowhere. If you want to rise to leading positions, you must adapt and at least speak English. But contacts with international business partners and customers, of course, will be even easier if you speak their native language. This usually brings many bonus points and will be a plus in negotiations related to contracts and sales. You can quickly climb the career ladder.

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4. Chinese - very exciting language for study.

The process of studying Chinese can be cheerful and fascinating! The most intriguing part is the study of Chinese hieroglyphs. At first they may seem mysterious rebuses. But as soon as you become learning the language deeper, the hieroglyphs will be wondering in an amazing way to be combined and interact with each other. The study of Chinese hieroglyphs is a bit like picking up a giant puzzle.

5. Helps personal growth.

Chinese can immediately seem frightening. Chinese culture is one of the most intricate cultures in the world. In fact, starting to engage, you will not only become a study Chinese, but also the lifestyle of the Chinese. In any case, such experience is very useful, it contributes to self-development and initiates personal growth.

6. Activates mental activities.

Do you know that when learning Chinese is used by those sections of the brain that are not used in the study of other languages? If you want to increase your intellectual power and keep your brain afloat, it's time to learn Chinese! And with the help of https://ichinese.online/kursy-kitajskogo-dlja-chajnikov-s-s-chajnikov-s-do-hsk4/ Make it quite easily.

We hope that each of you will find motivation to explore the Chinese language.

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