What interesting places should be visited in Lipetsk?


Lipetsk is an incredibly ancient city in which the corresponding spirit of history is perfect. In fact, its iron processing plants have become one of the largest enterprises at that time in the Russian Empire. Vintage churches were perfectly preserved in the city, as well as the iconic monuments that were perpetuated by the historical periods of the city's life. Since the foundation of the city was associated directly with the Decree of Peter I, it is necessary to visit the monument given to him in 1996.

If earlier the area where the monument is located is called the name of Karl Marx, then after 2003 it was also renamed Peter I. The statue is extremely monumental, even the height of it is as much as 5.6 meters. It shows the emperor that comes towards the excellent future with a scroll in his hand. The statue is installed on a column decorated with mermaids and a Russian coat of arms. The monument was cast and put in the shortest possible time, and it was completed from the local dolomite. All tourists are regularly visited by this main attraction of the city.

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Naturally, all guests of the city need to be visited by the Nizhny Park in Lipetsk - this is a great place where you can relax, and there are also famous sanatoriums with healing mineral sources and a large number of attractions. Spring is naturally considered the most heart of the park. According to believe, they opened the Peter I himself, when she walked along the river. He tried this water and turned his attention to her iron flavor and then realized that it had useful properties.

At the same time, the well arose at this place, who later laid the foundation for creating a sanatorium here. Therapeutic sources of this fleet attract tourists from many corners of Russia. Well, numerous monuments in the park reflect the history of the city. The design of the upper park matches the classic English style. Newlyweds are usually always after painting come here to the bridge, where they love to be photographed. Immediately there is a planetarium and a zoo, here you can ride the attractions, as well as listen to live music and sit in an unusually cozy cafe.

Also during the presence of Peter I, the Christian Church was laid in Lipetsk, which unfortunately burned down at the beginning of the XVIII century. Later in her place was erected a chapel, just dedicated to the anniversary of the Great Emperor. This structure was later consecrated in honor of Peter and Paul. In the Soviet period, the chapel was naturally demolished by the Bolsheviks, and the materials were disassembled for the construction of other objects. And only in 2001 the chapel was reconstructed on old drawings and existing photographs. To date, the chapel is an excellent structure of red bricks in a traditional Russian style, which is crowned with a spherical dome. This building, elements of snow-white decor give a certain festive. Well, of course, various Orthodox rituals regularly pass here, which restored the former fame of the holy place.

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Probably, not everyone knows that the family of such a famous publicist and thinker, like Georgy Valentinovich Plekhanov, lived in the nineteenth century in the city of Lipetsk. He acquired a small estate in this city. It's nice that the house has been preserved to our time, and in 1977 it was opened in Him, a museum dedicated to a person who had a significant impact on the development of historical events in particular in our state. All exhibits of this museum are placed in the 5 rooms of this mansion. Moreover, each individual room is dedicated to a certain life stage associated with the adulthies and the formation of Plekhanov as a person. There are very unique family photos on which there are vintage images of the city. Also in the museum you can admire the original furniture from the Karelian birch, and naturally a great interest among visitors cause the reconstructed Cabinet Plekhanov and the meeting of documents that are devoted to revolutionary activities.

The Lipetsky Victory Park can be called a bright example of how the most ordinary wasteland in the urban art can be completely refined. The townspeople came together and planted trees there. So for the ninth of May, in 1975, all major events on the breakdown of this park were fully conducted. However, his official discovery took place only on July 1, 1987. Well, today in the park there is an exhibition of military equipment of the period of the Great Patriotic War. It costs even the legendary boat who reached the Berlin itself and the famous "Sorokatka". For children, attractions are installed here, for adult summer disco and even billiard room. The park has a cozy cafe and on holidays can be seen various enchanting shows.

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Near the Komsomolsk Pond in Lipetsk is a very interesting monument, which is dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the city. It is a stele with a three-person sailboat of the Petrovskaya era located at the top. The height of the monument is 12 meters. This attraction emphasizes the connection of the times and the significance of this city in the history of the Russian Empire, since it was the Emperor Peter I and was created in the city of the Industrial Center. On the sides of the stela are miniature guns. Well, the reservoir itself, which was later renamed Komsomolsky pond, was formed here in 1703 during the construction of the dam for iron processing plants. However, the reservoir was in the launch of the reservoir, while in the middle of the 20th century did not take the champion of the Komsomol members.

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