Where to go in Tomsk and what to see?


The old town of Tomsk is located in the midst of the endless Siberian plains. You can say about him with confidence that this is one of the most interesting cities in the region, and almost every traveler will find a lesson for himself. For example, lovers of outdoor activities can be accommodated in tent camps, to do climbers and climbing. There will be a huge number of places where young people can spend their leisure with interest. In Tomsk and wellness centers are not less popular, well, the abundance of attractions in the city in essence will be able to surprise any tourist.

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The city of Tomsk is located on the bank of the Tom River in fact in the eastern part of Western Siberia. It was founded at the beginning of the XVIII century on the personal decree of Boris Godunov and then the main function of this city was defensive. However, according to the data of numerous archaeological excavations, it is known that this territory was settled long before its foundation. Well, since the eighteenth century, Tomsk turns into place of the links of prisoners. And also a little later, he becomes the most important center of commerce, well, since the beginning of the nineteenth century, Tomsk completely became the center of the cultural and economic life of this region.

You can, perhaps, get acquainted with the city's history of Tomsk, which is located in the building built in the middle of the XIX century. The museum was opened only in 1997, and before that there was a police station in him. The museum today shows about 5,000 exhibits, but as always cause archaeological excavations of the XVI-XVII centuries, as well as household items of local peasants and merchants - spines, kitchen utensils, samovars, chests, porcelain dishes, figurines and many other unique things . So having been in this museum, tourists can learn more about the history of the city from the very moment of its foundation and up to the present day. Well, if you rise to the viewing platform of the museum, then from there you can admire the magnificent view of the Resurrection Mountain and the city itself.

The next place to visit Tomsk is the Wooden Architecture Museum, which was founded in 2009 and is located in the building built in Modern style. Here you can get acquainted with the history of wooden architecture, and starting from the ninth century and ending with our days. In the process of excursion, all guests of the museum get acquainted with various wooden subjects - platbands, pilasters, cornices, and so on. So they can see the delicious work of wood cutters, as well as listen to the most interesting lecture on Tomsk architects and about their work.

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The Museum of Slavic mythology is located in a small building of the Library of the 20th century, in which the local millionaire has kept his books. At some point, he took all his collection from here, well, the library decided to set the canvas with mythological themes. Thus, a museum was created, fully dedicated to paganism in Russia and in it you can learn a lot of interesting things about Slavic religion. Among the exhibits in the museum you can meet pictures with the image of the heroes, houses, ledgers, women and many other popular characters, and also to get acquainted with the life of the ancient Slavs. At the entrance to the museum, all guests are treated with tea, and those who wish can easily visit master classes for the manufacture of faiths and painting Gzhel toys, as well as play musical Slavic tools.

No less interesting will be visited by the NKVD Monitoring Prison Memorial Museum, which was founded in 1998. It is located exactly the address, where in those days was in reality prison. Right next to this building was shot prisoners, but today there is a square with a monument dedicated to the victims of Stalinist repression. Tourists, while traveling in this museum, will be able to make sure that they felt in prison. They can get to the interrogation to the investigator either in the chamber of the treaty. One of the halls of the museum is fully dedicated to temporary exhibitions and holding the film. The museum provides information about more than two hundred prisoners, and each of them has their own tragic history, which is usually associated with the delegation, deportation, reference, shooting or with relieving work.

In a very pretty building, which belonged to the early Kupachikha Natalia Orlova, is now the Tomsk Regional Art Museum opened in 1979. At the time of discovery, only the pictures of the Tomsk Territory were presented here, and now the museum consists of 6 halls with permanent expositions. It contains about a hundred works of Russian painting and charts, among which you can see the canvas of Aivazovsky, Myasoyedov, Kustodiev, Mayakovsky, Krashat and many other great masters. There is also a hall with a collection of Western European art, in which there are works of very well-known authors. The museums have some sculptures of such outstanding masters as Konenkov, Klodt and Tolstoy. No less interest among the museum usually causes a collection of icons of the XVII-XX centuries, as well as samples of decorative and applied art.

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One of the most interesting architectural monuments of the city of Tomsk is the "House with Fire-Birds". It was built specifically for the family of the merchant Leonty Zhellyab at the beginning of the XX century. In the architecture of this building you can see the combination of elements of the Russian national style with baroque. In fact, the manor consists of from four parts, and two of them have been preserved to the present day in their original form, but the other two were restored by the end of the twentieth century. This house is very bright and colorful, it is decorated with skilled carvings and febris figures, and strongly reminds in appearance by terme from the Russian folk fairy tale. Obviously, this is what the creator of this magnificent manor sought.

Another very attractive home in Tomsk is the "House with Shatter", which was built for the merchant of Egor Golovanov at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1917, it was nationalized and opened a sanatorium in it, and during the Great Patriotic War, they had children left without parents. By the end of the twentieth century, the house passed to the ownership of the Center for German Culture and subsequently renamed him to the Russian-German home.

Also practically in the very center of Tomsk is the "House with Dragons", which is now considered one of the symbols of this city. This building, which was built in the first half of the 20th century, in its architecture combines modern and Scandinavian style. On a carved visor at home you can see seven dragons, and two of them are turned north, two west and two south, and the seventh dragon looks in the east direction. It is possible that the architect of this house at one time was inspired by the ancient Norwegian church, and possibly an old estate of Wilhelm II. Well, there is still a third version, which says that the architect erected a house with dragons because Tomsk was founded in the year of the blue dragon. It is also noteworthy that the initial interior was performed precisely in blue shades.

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In 2004, a monument to the Great Russian writer Anton Chekhov, in which he depicted in a caricature form was established on the embankment of Tomsk. Immediately after his discovery, of course, disputes flared up - someone liked the process of fooling over the classic, and for others it became an insult to the memory of the Great Russian writer. Perhaps this happened because Tomichi was hidden on Chekhov because when he visited Tomsk at the end of the XIX century, he called this city boring and dirty. This is this possible and the reason for the appearance of such a comical monument.

Well, finally, you need to visit, of course the camp garden, which is a magnificent natural monument in the modern city. And the garden received its name due to the fact that in the eighteenth-nineteenth centuries, the camps of the infantry shelf were in this place. However, according to archaeological excavations, it is known for the archaeological excavations that the very first settlements at this place were 200,000 years ago, since the remains of Mammoth were even detected. In the Soviet period in the garden, the Eternal Flame was established, the sculpture of Mother's Mother and Plates with the names of the residents of Tomsk, who died during the Great Patriotic War.

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