What is interesting to see Vityazevo?


Vityazevo is essentially small in size and pretty a cozy resort village that is located 10 km from the very famous popular Anapa. On the one hand, the village is washed by the Black Sea, and with another Vityazevsky Liman. The beaches here are all sandy and very clean, and the sea warms up near the shore incredibly quickly. This resort is present both ancient architectural buildings and a huge amount of entertainment. Moreover, many attractions can be viewed completely independently.

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For example, it is worth going to the temple of St. George the Victorious, who was built on the site of a more ancient Orthodox church, unfortunately, demolished in 1935. In ancient times, there was a chapel at this place, which was erected by the Pontic Greeks in 1827. It should be noted that at that time the Greeks were quite massively in the southern part of Russia, and they undoubtedly brought their culture to this terrain and, accordingly, a special architectural construction style. Well, the new temple on this place began to build already in nineties, and the funds were collected for him, so to speak, the whole world. The very first worship service in the temple was held in 1994. Now you can see a calling attached to the temple, and also the fact that the facade of the church is crowned with the mosaic image of St. George, which by legend kills Zmiah. Well, near the temple you can see the monument set by the victims of Stalinist repression.

Perhaps the most popular place in the village in particular in the midst of the tourist season is Parally Boulevard. First you will need to go down the street, which is called Chernomorskaya - this is the most favorite place for walking both at the locals and guests of Vityazevo. If you carefully look at, then in the local buildings you can see or sculptures, or traces of Greek architecture. Even the most ordinary hotel balconies are maintained by mighty atlas and elegant cartium.

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And on this street, it is possible to come to the main attraction of the village - Boulevard Paralia. The whole pedestrian zone was framed in the style of ancient architecture - even the entrance to it is a monumental colonnade consisting of 12 columns. The length of this boulevard is about one kilometer, and it is perpendicular to the sea. Almost all its length, until the very floor of the beach, you can see the established statues of mythological heroes and the ancient Greek gods. Well, naturally, the entire space of the boulevard on the sides is made souvenir shops, shops and cafes.

Also all guests of the city will be very interesting to visit the drinking gallery called "Pearl". Due to the fact that in the village of Vityazevo there is a source with mineral water, it can be performed by a balneological resort. Mostly people come here who suffer from the disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract and the urogenital system. The naturally naturalistic attraction itself is located near the Children's Health Center "Pearl". In this therapeutic water contains salts of magnesium, calcium, sodium and many minerals. To treat or adopt prophylactic measures with a starting disease, you need to drink mineral water from 2 to 4 weeks. But it is desirable for its use after all to consult with the doctor. By the way, it is possible to drink water only near the source, it is forbidden to pour it in the tanks and carry water from there.

Also, if desired, you can visit the "Wine Fitness of the Old Greek" - it is a private winery officially obtained a license in order to produce and store wine in 2017. The place for the construction of this winery was not chosen by no accident - in fact, the basement of the building was built by the Pontic Greeks of Migrants in 1857. They were essentially brought to the south of Russia together with their culture also secrets of the production of famous Greek wines. Well, the owners of this production today retain the spirit of the ancient Ellinsky past literally in all the trifles.

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Even the building itself is decorated in a classic Greek style with a predominance in the interior of white and blue tones. Also, the sculptures of Griffins and painting on the facade can be traced by the history of Greek winemaking. The owners of this winery have their own vineyards, so they calmly can be fully responsible for their products. Well, the pride of this wine cellar can be called the author's collection "Aspanidis and Sons", which has repeatedly received prestigious diplomas and cups.

Also, if desired from Vityazevo, you can go on a very interesting excursion to the Abrau-Durso plant. During the excursion you can visit the winery itself and inspect the cellar, where the wines are stored, and, of course, to taste them. During the excursion, you will learn about the history of the production of champagne wines and on the peculiarities of growing grapes in Abrau-Durso. While visiting the legendary, built in the nineteenth century of basements, you will learn about the secret of the fermentation and excerpts of this famous drink.

It is possible to taste champagne wines in the 4 halls - sir, Golitsinsky, French and then in the museum. During the trip you will see the legendary Blue Lake, which is located in the center of the village and is surrounded by relict forests. Well, for those who do not want to eat alcoholic beverages, it is possible at this time to swim in the lake or stroll through the forest. Do not forget to take warm clothes with you, because at the bottom inside the basements it is very cold.

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