Rest in a cold river: pros and cons. Should I go to a cold river?


The village of Bagripsh (in the literal translation into Russian - the cold river) is located at the foot of the Gagr Range in a beautiful, picturesque place. Here everything is covered with greens. Century pines, olendra, slender cypresses, beech groves create indescribable beauty of surprisingly virgin nature.

Rest in a cold river: pros and cons. Should I go to a cold river? 33090_1

Beautiful mountain air, gorgeous, warm black sea - Nature gave this edge everything, and even with an excess, only to use it is necessary to competently, which still local aborigines have not learned. Life is stuck here (or stopped) at the turn of the 90s. The resort business only - just begins to unfold, but this "case" happens so slowly and foolishly, sometimes you are just a diva - they are counting on such grief - businessmen. Local "Prince" stroke the beautiful corners of the unique nature at the sea coast, finally reached them that the resort business brings not bad dividends.

Rest in a cold river: pros and cons. Should I go to a cold river? 33090_2

But, if you do this with the mind, of course. And this in the new-minted "resort tycologists" is not. There is a desire to "Note more money signs - there is, and provide a comfortable stay, so that I wanted to come again and again - they are dismissal. They need everything immediately, and more. The people are brazen, angry from their poverty and not at all good-natured to the rest. It would seem that the hospitality of the peoples of the Caucasus should be at the highest level, but do not build rainbow illusions. The hospitality remains, it is in this nation in the blood, at the gene level, it is a pity that it remains only in the private sector. When you live in the house (apartment) next to the owners - you are a guest and the attitude towards you respectful. It is quite the opposite to live in the boarding house - the status changes lightningry - you are already the "dairy cow", with which, without a branch of conscience, you need to pull more.

We traveled almost all the significant resorts of the Republic of Abkhazia, everywhere all the same, with some distinction for the better on the former resorts of the Union (Gagra, Pitsund, Sukhum). An excellent example is our trip to the boarding house "Bagripsh",

Rest in a cold river: pros and cons. Should I go to a cold river? 33090_3

What is in the village of the same name. There are pension, if you can say, recently renovated (i.e., "undercaming" slightly), the level of comfort remained, you understand - the time of construction. Rooms with a combined bathroom, where instead of flow - hole in the floor. In the evening, such Ambre comes from her, it was necessary to close the cellophane package. It's not even worth talking about furniture, old but still strong (10 years old still in the boarding house). Rooms are two types. The first overlooking the sea (if you get 1-3 floors, then overlooking the parked cars), the second - overlooking the mountains (actually a deaf wall).

Nutrition horror of horrors.

Rest in a cold river: pros and cons. Should I go to a cold river? 33090_4

Save on everything, the menu is scanty, although on paper is a variety of diversity, but there was nothing written in the dining room. The buffet, in the understanding of the local administration, is a cook, which is under a non-grade control (probably a senior chef or a very older cook) gives out a piece of meat or fish (I note one piece, more than one piece is prohibited). The garnish always the same type and completely tasteless. The only plus is a lot of salads and a big variety. True, most of the mayonnaise, with the heat of +40 degrees, we somehow fascinated to eat. There is no drinking water, that is, it is, but if you do not want all holidays to spend in an infectious hospital, buy bottled and not on the territory of the boarding house (cheaper almost twice). There is no fruit in the dining room - and this is in the country where orange and tangerine plantations. For the entire period (5 days) they saw only pears on a separation. The most interesting as they lay in our arrival, and continued to lie in the same quantity when (finally) went away. I don't want a lot about nutrition, I don't want to say a lot, about his quality can be judged by mass poisoning of holidaymakers (and it was not passed, 2 days were tightly crossed out of the rest).

And since the medical center in the boarding house is only for sight, the doctor will not find the doctor with fire, they were treated for themselves. The benefit of the resort experience is rich, medicines are always with you.

Very "pleased" pension personnel. The higher the position - the more the gaming and rudeness. Apogee rudeness - administrator, young person. Ever walked accompanied by two men. It seemed the impression that a person is simply inadequate, because he doesn't just know how to talk, words do not know. Always screamed at all and all, including tourists, if they appeal with a complaint or a problem. Funny. The real 90 years, it is accompanied by only sports costumes under shoes - the Cossacks lacked.

The territory of the boarding house, no words - enlarged.

Rest in a cold river: pros and cons. Should I go to a cold river? 33090_5

Well-groomed green plantings, without exaggeration pleased with the eyes. Pure - no words. The air around is just a fairy tale. Mixed aromas of needles and cypresses, combined with pure mountain air - breathe a pleasure. Especially perfect in the evening. View from the balcony is just fascinating. Such beauty of nature is simply transferred by words you can not, leaving the horizon of the beautiful sea, far-frightened by the smoke of the peaks of the majestic mountains, the air is to breathe, do not breathe. But here is already visible a man's hand. Pension treatment facilities are worn to "disgrace". Vital products merge straight into a ride ride (the name of this river "Cold River"),

Rest in a cold river: pros and cons. Should I go to a cold river? 33090_6

Which in turn flows into the sea.

Pebble beaches. I advise you to purchase special slippers for swimming, so as not to hurt. Then get used to, it is even useful for the legs. Pension Beach himself was clean, retracted daily, no complaints. Otherwise, no service. Sunbeds are not enough, there are no umbrellas from the sun at all. There is a minus that the beaches roam the packs of dogs. Of course, close to people are not suitable, but still discomfort and some sequish are. Who knows them, wild animals still.

Sea, well, the situation is dual. Moreover, uncleanness from the boarding house, across the river fall into the sea, still the sea at first glance is clean.

Rest in a cold river: pros and cons. Should I go to a cold river? 33090_7

Even dolphins saw.

The only minus is the road from the boarding house to the beach. Approximately 145 steep steps (if memory does not change). Down is still good, but the road is back - overcoming obstacles. Young is an excellent sports, only here are children and older people cannot assess the usefulness of such a walk. They are very hard.

Excursions offer for every taste, it all depends on the price. Personally for you, with a personal guide. Here to solve you.

In short, nature is simply charming. Otherwise - horror.

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