What excursions worth visiting in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk?


Perhaps the most important excursion with which you need to start acquaintance with this edge will be a sightseeing tour of the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. You will learn that in addition to this name, under which he is known now, this city used to be called Vladimirovka, then Toyohara finally just southern. Well, the city itself is very cozy and harmoniously located in the middle of Sakhalin sobes at the foundation of a squat mountain Bolshevik in the Sucunay valley.

The city surrounds in essence surrounds the impassable taiga, which as if a dense ring surrounded him. We can say about Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk that it is the capital of the only island region in Russia. The city was founded relatively recently - in 1882, but despite the pretty young age he has an interesting story in which Russian with Japanese culture is incredibly closely intertwined with the rapid development of international gas and oil projects of our days. During the excursion, you will introduce you to all the main attractions of the city, and in time it takes two hours.

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The next very interesting excursion will allow you to get acquainted with Cape Slokinkovsky, which is located on the west coast in the southern part of Sakhalin Island. In general, the coastal lines of this island are such that the caisions here are an incredible amount. However, Khackkin Cape differs from them by the fact that he is essentially the only sandy on Sakhalin. That is, in essence it is the most real Sakhalin Baltic with real sand dunes. So, if in silence here sit down and carefully listen, in addition to the shelest waves, you can easily hear the sand whisper.

Perhaps the sands remember those distant days when the mysterious tribe of Ainov, who lived here, called these places of the Notor or how after 1905, the new inhabitants of the island assigned to him another name - Misaki's sonor. By the way, Misaki just means translated from the Japanese "Cape", and then in 1934 the lighthouse called the Notor on this place. And what is the most remarkable - this very lighthouse so far and towers above the dunes. And maybe the sands think - why, after 45 years, Cape renamed again and now it is called the name of the commander of the Chipisan Detachment Bronislav Vladislavovich Grotto-blind, who fell by the death of brave in 1905 during the defense of southern Sakhalin from the Japanese.

Unfortunately, very often tourists have the west coast of Sakhalin Island remains completely undeservedly without attention. It is believed that there is nothing to watch. But in fact, there is something to see, because I have passed through this area, you will get the most complete picture of the island itself. On this route you will see many interesting places telling about the history of the island and emphasizing the uniqueness of its south-western part. The road that leads to the port city of Holmsk, which is the Western sea gates of the island, will hold you through the beautiful Holmovsky pass, where you will see a memorial in memory of those who died during the liberation of the city of Holmsk or as he was then called Mayoca. Well, if you are very lucky, you will see how the handsome steam "Sakhalin" moor.

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If you choose a tour in the village of Seaside, then you will have a great opportunity to see the gate of the bizarre form that stand on the hillock. This building is very similar to the hut on the bitter legs, but only here, unlike fabulous stone slabs, it is completely dotted with hieroglyphs. This is essentially the remains of Japanese shinto temples, which are called Jinja here. In former times, their number on southern Sakhalin reached already 250. In general, the construction of such temples occurred both in large cities and in small places of Japanese seasonal fishing. The entrance to the territory of such synto-sheinist shrines was necessarily preceded by Torii, that is, a symbolic gate. Torii into Russian translates as "bird in volatility", although it is just a passage to the holy places where other people's gods lived.

We must definitely go to the South Sakhalin volcano - the largest of those that are on the island. It is located 24 kilometers from South Sakhalinsk. The simplest option to get there will travel by car on an abandoned forest road. However, if you want to go on foot, you can use the now invalid old Japanese railway.

Almost from that railway canvases there is nothing left, but there are still tunnels and during the aisle on them you will undoubtedly remember the children's adventure stories, especially the expression "see the light at the end of the tunnel". After you pass the tunnels and the gallery, you will immediately get into the most beautiful forest and then you will need to follow along the stream of the stream, where, then there are massive volcanic bombs there. And now you are unnoticed and will be on the volcano itself. In cloudy weather, the volcano looks like an extensive and displeased ones. Well, on the sunny days, here he flashes pyrite grains and as it wakes up with the joy of guests.

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If you once heard a song about how "the pebbles are thrown from a steep barbell on the distant strait of Laperose," you certainly will be interested to see - where he is this very strait, and here the French itself is actually. All this can be seen during the sea walk to Cape Krölon. And you will also meet a stone of danger and a very mysterious fortune Siranusi. In general, all these concepts are somehow connected with Cape Krylon - the most southernmost point of Sakhalin Island, however, it is very difficult to get there too much. So it is best to make marine travel along the western coast of Aniva Bay. Well, if you are lucky with the weather, you can even see the Soyna Cape, which is located on the Japanese Island of Hokkaido - it will be separated from you only 40 kilometers.

In South Sakhalin, the usual village of News was found like, which was founded in the seventies of the last century, in principle, as a settlement of communication workers. But only no one then could not even suspect that later the status of a certain abnormal zone will firmly consolidate. The fact is that literally in a kilometer from the village of News there is a mysterious rest, called frog. Ufologists argue that it is here that the so-called Sakhalin Energy Center is located. Whatever it was, but according to the Ainth legend, it was this cliff for this nation that was considered a temple of wisdom. There is incredibly a lot of things unique and completely unusual. First of all, the rock itself, which is called a frog, is included in the ridge of rock formations, which are built by each other like the planets of the solar system. So each cliff in this very ridge wears the name of some planet. Therefore, having visited here, you, as it were, you can make your unusual journey in Venus or Mars.

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Also lovers of esoterica and ufology are not bad for eight meter waterfall ahor, which is located in the upper reaches of the Commission River approximately 3 kilometers from the village of News and two kilometers from this famous frog. Even the road itself is surprising to the waterfall - you must first go through the steep rippletish bank of the Aichki River, and then pass through the Sakhalin jungle and, accordingly, the virgin forest, which will not touch the topores of the lumberjacks, nor wild fires. Here you can see a tree that was nicknamed by a spider or a tree, nicknamed by chicken paws, and a huge stone egg, in which Koshcheyev's death is possible.

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