What to bring from Gagra?


For Russian tourists, rest in Abkhazia becomes more and more popular with every year, and this means that the question is also very relevant - what to bring as a gift from this country. We should not forget that the official currency of Abkhazia is considered the Russian ruble, but in some stores sellers may indicate prices in Georgian lari or in Abkhaz Apzara. There are such cases when the tourist in the hands in the presence of only rubles, and they refuse them for any reason. In this case, you should pay for your bank card purchases, since the commissions are not too large here. In principle, the same percentages you may lose if you exchange rubles to Lari or Apsear.

What to bring from Gagra? 33043_1

Many are brought from Abkhazia beautiful woolen socks, scarves, mittens and many other knitted accessories. They are very soft, very light incredibly warm, and, there are many different patterns and ornaments and all of them are very interesting. So there is from what to choose, besides, such a souvenir will become an excellent gift for your loved ones. Also very attractive looks and the Abkhaz berks, which are made of the wool of mountain goats. If you live in the north of our country, then in the winter they will definitely use you and besides, they will remind their warmth about the beautiful summer holiday in Abkhazia.

It is also possible to buy local clothes in principle, and about its quality can be said that it is quite good. But this is what Croy and Design concerns, then here is clearly an amateur. And indeed, the prices of such things here are quite high. For example, a simple cotton dress can do you from two and a half to three thousand rubles, well, the simplest t-shirts with impaired prints from 500 rubles. In general, it is worth brings such clothes from Abkhazia - a big question, it is necessary to solve it yourself. In another case, if you forgot to take something on the trip and you need some thing, then of course you can go to the market and get it calmly. As for clothes from Europe, it is strong and could not get to Abkhazia principle, so all things of famous designers are being taken here through Russia, therefore, respectively, they are 15-20 percent more expensive.

But bring some decorations from Abkhazia in principle a good idea. In this regard, it is worth paying attention to local silver and copper. True, it should be noted that these accessories have a peculiar design, and then they look massively and slightly rude. But it is obvious about this there is some definite meaning, since it is precisely that their execution justifies the local flavor. Decorations are sold in Abkhazia in jewelry shops and in the markets, just pay attention to samples.

What to bring from Gagra? 33043_2

As for any small things like magnets, you can buy them right in coastal shops. Prices As a rule, they begin on them from 50 rubles - it will be the simplest, and from 100 rubles something more interesting. If you want to bring a more significant gift, then pay attention to the crafts from the tree - there are beautiful wooden stands for hot and interesting cutting boards, as well as figurines, all sorts of different pictures with symbols of this country, and a lot of wicker various products from Samsit , Vines and very cute bamboo canvas. You can buy a basket, you can a box or a box, a mortar or a pestle for spices, carved frames, and other homework, since the quality of such things is very and very worthy. But it is better to buy all this on the market - it will be much more profitable there.

You can also bring products from clay and ceramics, because it sells very interesting vessels from clay and ceramic products. Most often occurs jugs for wine or bowls for dishes. Because they are relatively inexpensive, that is, it makes sense to buy as a gift or for yourself. Pay attention to the Abkhaz painting, even though the tableware costs and just more expensive, but it looks much more beautiful. All this is sold in ordinary tourist shops, but keep in mind that you can buy them cheaper somewhere in distance from the coast.

Also among the local population still popular the daggers in beautiful sheaths, which have become the most real symbol of this country. Therefore, in any coastal city, including in Gagra in souvenir shops, you will always see this product. The simplest souvenir dagger will cost 500-600 rubles. By the way, it is possible to proclaim the daggers across the border, but only in baggage, and they must be declared.

What to bring from Gagra? 33043_3

Many are brought from Abkhazia Dzawa - the so-called copper turks. Usually they have thick copper walls and beautiful patterns. Locals, however, as all residents of the East, believe that only in such a turkey you can cook the most real delicious coffee. Buy Dzawa is best in the market, there prices for them begin from 250-300 rubles if this accessory has a small size.

In Abkhazia, all sorts of herbal fees, therapeutic dirt, sea salt and a huge amount of fruit are incredibly popular. In general, all these are the most beautiful ingredients in order to produce natural cosmetics, and in some shops it is sold. But only it is worth trusting such funds - this is a big question, since there are no firms in Abkhazia that would be directly manufactured by cosmetics. So it may well work out that you are trying to offer to buy something homemade, or it will be some kind of European tool, but under the guise of local. So it is unlikely to bring cosmetics from Abkhazia.

But buying herbal fees in Abkhazia definitely stands, in many souvenir bears, and in the markets, too, you will find a huge selection of such fees, and it will be written on the labels, for which they are specifically designed. But only to handle this business must be careful, because some of the herbs are completely capable of both lowering and increase pressure, some have a laxative effect, or some more. But but an excellent souvenir from Abkhazia there will be bags or pillows of sachets with fragrant herbs.

What to bring from Gagra? 33043_4

Of course, if you love all kinds of wine, then you should bring local wine from Abkhazia. It really deserves attention here. It is best to buy in bottles of the "bouquet of Abkhazia", ​​"New Athos", "AMRA", "Apsans", "Chegem" and other red wines, and from whites is best "anacopia", "Psou", Eshrau and others. Just keep in mind that the prices for decent Abkhaz wines begin from 200 rubles per bottle. And do not forget that from Abkhazia, you can export no more than 3 liters of alcoholic beverages. You can bring a chance - strong grape vodka, or cognac, which in Abkhazia is made with the addition of Kizyl and Almond, which gives him a pretty interesting taste.

Of course, it is worth bringing any different spices and seasonings from Abkhazia - they are all natural here and without any harmful additives. The choice of them is just a huge and you can buy for a swim. Also usually bring sauces and adzhik, which is considered the best among all Caucasian. Tourists note that the most tasty adzhika is home here, which is in huge quantities selling here in the markets. Do not forget also about Suluguni cheese, about fruits, nuts, honey and sweets.

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