What is Medina?


In the sacred city of Mecca every year, from all over the world, a huge amount of Muslims is trying to get away. Well, the second most of the world is considered naturally medina, which is located in the western part of Saudi Arabia and only about 150 kilometers from the Red Sea coast. To date, about 1.2 million people live in the city. But close attention was paid to this city after 622, when it moved here to live from Mecca, the Prophet Mohammed.

In principle, long before that Medina played a crucial role in the development of trade relations between various countries of the Arabian Peninsula. As Medina was on the trading path, then often people stayed here to relax, as well as stocking food and various supplies necessary on the road. And if the Wanderers took earlier for a long time, and also helped them, then over time, residents of the city also began to engage in trade and go to various countries.

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After moving here, the Prophet Mohammed The life of the city has changed, and for many centuries. The teachings of the Prophet entered deep in the heart of the inhabitants of Medina and thus more and more people began to contact Islam. And gradually became the city became incredibly religious. Well, already a much later Medina began to take a second place in the Muslim world after Mecca.

Madin is an incredibly hot city, since it is located in a tropical area. If the air temperature here on average is plus 17 degrees, then in the summer already plus 36 degrees. However, in the hottest days, the thermometer column rises even up to 47 degrees. There is practically no precipitation here - no more than 50 millimeters year, it is therefore it is customary to consider medina one of the most general cities around the world. The city on all sides is surrounded by the desert, but at the same time it is in a kind of deepening, because with three sides, almost covered with hills.

One of the distinguishing features of the medina is that Muslims can only come here, people all other religions are strictly prohibited. But also for the Muslims themselves, during a visit to this city, there are certain rules of conduct that they must strictly observe. Translated into Russian, the name of the city means "the city of the Prophet" and this is true, because Mohammed lived here earlier. Therefore, probably, Madin is considered in every sense of this word with the cleanest city. Throughout the territory, as well as the area adjacent to it, it is strictly forbidden to tear flowers, break trees and hunt animals. Medina is generally considered a place that is completely delivered from cruelty and no violence may occur here and even more murder.

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In the city of Medina there is a prophet mosque, and besides her, the shrine of Mohammed. Here the tomb itself is located herself, as well as the tomb of two caliphs and another empty tomb. Since the caliphs were the first rulers of this country, they were awarded the honor to continue next to the great prophet. Well, here's an empty tomb according to legends was intended for Jesus, who, according to the prophecy, during his second coming, should destroy the Antichrist, and then in its forty years should be buried in this mosque.

So if you are interested in religious tourism, then you will be in the medina. You will be of course very interesting, since it is not only unusual, but also one of the most ancient places on Earth, where people live continuously for many centuries. But, of course, you can visit Medina only if you are a Muslim, and also comply with all the rules and traditions that meet the norms of this city.

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