What kind of excursions from "Spiridon-Tour"?


I heard a lot of different conversations about this excursion agency "Spiridon Tour". Moreover, if some write that this is no excursion, but the most real Balagan, then others remain in complete delight. Therefore, I, resting in Rethymnon, decided to still go to this excursion at least and find out for yourself what this agency is about which there are so many contradictory rumors. We went to 6thutr right away from the hotel, by the way the cost of the excursion was 32 euros.

The bus is large and spacious, and the Spiridon himself sat behind the wheel. We had a guide to the Bulgarian Diana, which is married to a critical. Spiridon immediately attracts everyone to communication, and so that no one slept, he begins to sing. By the way, he sings it very beautifully and he also demanded that we at least squeezed under this melody that we did with pleasure. Then he told us all sorts of jokes-booms, he speaks English himself, but Diana everything thoroughly translated into Russian. Jokes were certainly all sorts of different, some are not even too decent, but nevertheless liked the people.

The first stop we had on the lake Kurn. We were given there on time for everything about all 50 minutes. This is essentially a freshwater lake, which is located on the eastern slopes of the Range Range Ori, whose name is translated into Russian as "White Mountains". This is in general near the city of Georgiupoli. Lake with a length of 3.5 kilometers around the perimeter, here the turtles live. Lake Kurn is included in the program for protecting beauty and ecology, it is certainly very pretty and around is also very nice.

What kind of excursions from

Here you can take a catamarans with children and ride on the lake, look at the turtles. Diana, of us, of course, was removed into the cafe-tavern, because each guide is fixed its own point. Some took coffee with cakes, someone ate something, I decided to eat later. Next, we all got on the bus and drove in Hanu. I really like this city, which is 70 kilometers in the west direction from Rethymno. Even before 1971, this city of Chania was the capital of Crete, well, and then I was already heraklion. Here we painted the route, marched on the map everything you need to see, and we have walked themselves on it for two hours.

There are a lot of monuments of the Venetian and Turkish epoch. Here I still snapped, and someone just walked around the city. In principle, we all managed to see everything that was planned in advance, passed along the embankment, they almost reached the lighthouse in a bulk spit, then they walked around the streets of the Old Town, and returned to the bus. After visiting Chania, we went to the topolyai gorge. After about the hour, Spiridon made a stop, went into the village and bought fresh bread, and ten minutes organized us a slight buffet. He had a table with him, he cut her bread there, an olive oil was poured into a coil, put a sea large salt, separately olives and lemon.

What kind of excursions from

The sandwich looked like this - an oil was poured on a white piece of bread, the salt was sprinkled, hesitated with lemon juice and then olives there. In general, it was very tasty, and with everyone who wished, also poured wine. I did not drink, because I always alarming the draft wine, but the people drank, no one poisoned and everyone was very pleased. The topolya gorge is unusual, there is a very interesting tunnel, a traffic light with a reversing movement is hanging in front of it. That is, movement only in one direction. The bus is very difficult to pass this tunnel, so he did many movements back and forward before he overcame. There, the tunnel is indirect and in it turns, and the place is very narrow and the bus is difficult to turn around.

In general, we safely overcame this place, and we were waiting for a beach with pink sand, which is called elafonisi. Indeed there are pink sand from crushed shell remnants. In general, we decided to swim, the driver was cold, but nevertheless it was great. We were there about two hours, and before leaving minutes for 30-40 Diana and Spiridon we were collected and began to show us the dance of Sirtaki.

What kind of excursions from

Everyone was already poured again, on only another variety of some sturdy drink and all were forced to dance Syrtaki. All those wishing photographed on their phones and was generally very funny. On the way back before entering the tunnel, we again made a stop, there you could buy honey and still take pictures with a shepherd and a goat, which is listed in the Red Book. By the way, the goats are very beautiful, then the tourists again poured some strong drink and on the way back everything was no longer sang, but they scared all sorts of various songs.

In general, I have to say that Spiridon is certainly a very subtle psychologist, and his excursions are mainly designed for those who passively spends their vacation, mainly in Russian-speaking tourists. For the most part, they lie on the beach, they are boring - there are no animations in hotels, no one occupies them and here they suddenly "Oh Miracle!" Take a tour of Spiridon Tour. And here you and communication and attention. Here and the excursion will hold, and they will entertain it, and feed, and drink to drink, and even dance will be forced. In general, this attention was just very nice.

And in general, the organizers are completely restless people, work in the sweat of the face. So if they say that the Greeks are lazy, then not everything is not always. This very spiridon is almost 6 days a week from the early morning and until late in the evening works, and after all, he has an excursion, with dressing up, with songs, with dances, with communication and with alcohol even. My neighbor on the hotel went to all three excursions in various directions and remained very and very pleased. I also had the same holiday excursion. In general, if you are not mobile and yourself do not travel around the island, you still don't have enough communication, then "Spiridon Tour" is just what you need.

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