How much money to take in Jordan and is it possible to save a little?


First of all, you should understand that there is no point to go to Jordan for one day, since you will not have anything to see anything and can not even be able to consider at least one Peter. It makes sense to come to at least 3 days and during this time to watch Aqaba, visit Peter, Wadi-Rama desert and the Aqaba Marine Rark marine reserve. Well, if you still want to visit Amman, then we must foresee further for such a trip more days.

If you enter the country through Aqabu, either through Aqaba Airport (or Port), or by walking distance to the checkpoint (Arava) on the border with Israel, then the entry visa will cost you in 40 dinars, but it is only on that condition that you will give at least three nights in Jordan. Moreover, one of these days you will definitely visit Peter, and you will also leave Jordan through this borderpoint. Thus, such a special economic zone in Aqaba stimulates the influx of tourists from neighboring countries of Israel and Egypt.

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On the border, it is not necessary to make armoring hotels, you only need to fill a special form where you will make marks about the entrance and print, and then in St. Petersburg in the center of visitors, they will also post and you will give you a mark on traveling on passport control at that moment you You will travel from the country. In addition, if you stay the minimum three nights on the territory of the country, you will also be released from paying an exit collection, which is 10 dinars.

There is another important point of savings, which is better to know in advance. If you go to Peter immediately from the border, then for the entrance to the reserve you will require 90 dinars instead of the tempered 50. But 40 dinars later return in the center of visitors the next day, if you spend three nights in Jordan. Also, note that the Jordanian dinar is rather strong currency, because only 0.7 local dinars can give you for one US dollar. Therefore, the work of the Jordan's visa system is that tourists stay as long as possible in the country. So Jordan is not at all interested in one-day tourists.

Also, the Jordanian visa on arrival can be issued at Amman airport and in the northern transition from Israel, which is called the "Jordan River" - Sheikh Hussein. There it also costs 40 dinars. Well, if you plan to move from Israel from Jerusalem through the PPC "Bridge of Allenby" - "Bridge of King Hussein", then you will need at least a pre-decorated full-fledged Jordan visa. Here is its value you will need to clarify in the consulate, since the visa on arrival is not issued here. In essence, instead of a visa, you can arrange in advance via the Internet and purchase Jordanpass for 70-80 dinars, which will not only enter Jordan without a visa, but also for free attending some sights. For example, for the entrance to Peter and in the Wadi-Rama Desert, you will not need to pay.

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You should also consider that public transport, including minibus in the country go very rarely, so you need to lay a certain amount of taxi costs and buses. You should also lay additional money on the sights on sights. For example, Jeep Safari in the wilderness of Wadi Rams with an inspection of four attractions, food and overnight will cost you in 45 dinars from one person. Diving in Aqaba - one incorrect immersion costs 36 dinars, for snorkelling it will be necessary to pay 5 dinars and for riding a camel of 10 dinars.

Overnight in a tent on the territory of the Bedouin camp in the desert there are 5 dinars with a person, in a single-star hotel in Aqaba 7 dinars per person, but this is provided that you will be placed in a triple room, hostel will cost 5 to 8 dinars, and Hostel in Peter In 10 dinars per person, but a buffet will be included for breakfast.

In principle, you can at least a little on to save on street food, if you book yourself in a hostel with breakfasts in advance. Consider that the minimum cost, both breakfast-dinner and dinner in Jordan, do not cost less than 5 dinars. For 5 dinars in the hostel you will prepare a buffet, but at the same time without any restrictions in the number of food. Well, on the street for the same 5 dinars, you can get a large portion of the shawarma in a complex with a salad, a side disk, ketchup and drinks type Coca-Cola. But it is absolutely optionally on the street to buy exclusively with a shawarma, as you can try other Jordanian dishes. For example, dinner on the street you will still cost no less than 5 dinars, and the chicken grill and portion of the kebab with the side dish also costs about 5 dinars.

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The cost of visiting Peter on average is 50 dinars from one person in one day, 55 dinars for 2 days and 60 dinars for 3 days. But note that Peter is not only a world famous treasury, but also at the same time a huge territory with a lot of monuments. So in order to go through the whole all this at least the main route, and then return back, takes a whole day. But in addition to the main route there are some other others, so there is something to do something for all three days. Thus, on a journey to Jordan, you will need to spend no less than $ 250 per person, but this is without taking into account the cost of the airfare. And naturally, the stay in the country must necessarily be at least three nights, then you do not have to pay the entrance and field visa fees.

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