When and where in Turkey can be rafting?


Rafting in Turkey is essentially a rude alloy on mountain rivers on inflatable boats and this is generally one of the best extreme entertainment, which only could come up with humanity. For alloy, there is no experience or long-term preparation. There is a guide-coaches directly in place, tell me how to behave during a meeting with obstacles and thresholds, which can be done and from what crazy actions is best abstained. Rafting is not only team rowing or against the flow of mountain rivers, it is also a small battle when the participants of the excursion floating in other rafts are suitable for each other, and try to deploy opponents to the oars. These are jumping in the air on the thresholds and attempts to successfully pass the rods, well, in case of failure, you must understand that it is expected to overturn in cold water.

When and where in Turkey can be rafting? 32991_1

There are several places in the rafting in Turkey. Newcomers, for example, from April to October a month worth trying his hand on the Dalaman River. It is essentially considered the least difficult to pass the route, and in principle even tourists who can decide to take children with them. Also, for the first experience, the river Esche is suitable, which is located in the south not far from Fethiye. Those who are in the southern resorts of Turkey can be offered rafting on Köp.

There are inexperienced rafters can start an elong from the bridge and move towards canyons, well, professionals can start directly from the waterfall. From May to June, all extreme alloys are smoothly moved to the northeast - on Coruch, since this river is one of the top 10 in the world for rafting. Well, it is pretty pretty length of 70 kilometers in essence allows you to choose a variety of routes in all four levels of complexity.

For those who already have experience in alloys, the Kyzylmak River is suitable. There in the HiFi area there are many thresholds, overcoming which you can test yourself for strength. Also, the attention of experienced rafts can be offered by the River Fyrityna Vadisi, which are in the province of Riza, and there for all 23 kilometers of its length of the segments from 3 to 5 levels of complexity. And of course, do not forget about the famous River Manavgat with its three canyons and amazingly beautiful nature. However, it is immediately possible to say that the best time for rafting in Turkey is the period from June to September. At this time, the air temperature rises to the mark plus 35 degrees, but in the ice splashes of the mountain rivers are perfectly refreshing.

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Those who wish to participate in rafting worth knowing that on average it will be necessary to pay from 20 to 40 euros. Only here, if you are waiting for a long transfer from your hotel to the place, then you still need to pay it additionally. Therefore, if you want to save, you need to see in what place is the closest to your resort of the river and go there. You can order rafting tours from a guide at the hotel, tourist Turkish agencies or on the Internet. Just keep in mind that at the guides that offer excursions in the hotel, prices are respectively and everything is much higher. If the tour operator offers a raf-excursion for 50-60 dollars per person, then in local Turkish agencies you can pay only 20-30 dollars. Well, if you book a rafting tour of the Internet, you can do only at $ 18-20 per person, and this can be done on such a reliable site as a Tripter.

From the resort of Alanya, usually from being sent to the Rafting on the Köcrechaya River. From Antalya, there is a popular route that provides for the rafting on the canyon Kepelul and is designed for the whole day. From Belek, you can go to the rafting in the canyon Kepelu in white water also for a whole day. In Kemer, the Canyon National Park is also expecting anywhere, and the Rafting on the Dalaman River is already offered from Marmaris.

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