Where can I go for one day by car from Malaga?


Andalusia is an amazing and excellent region with an ancient history that has absorbed all the best that only is in Spain. Here are white villages, red earth and mountains that are washed by the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. In the cities of the region, which has a thousand-year history, and the cities themselves are built by the Moors, there are constantly some carnavals with the corrida and dancing flamenco, as well as the fairs.

Here in the mountains from all prying views, deep gorges and completely unusual villages are hidden. And if you add to this beautiful kitchen and the long-standing tradition of winemaking, then you understand that you do not need long and thinking - just rent a car and go to a fascinating journey by car on the roads of southern Italy. There are several exciting routes where you can go for one day from Malaga.

The most interesting journey will probably be a trip to Gibraltar, which is the overseas territory of Great Britain. On Gibraltar, the police are exactly the same shape as their London colleagues, here in the course of the pounds, and the two-storey red buses travel around the city itself, the color of which reminds the coloring of the telephone booth in London. And all this is almost the very south of Spain.

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In general, there are no direct transport messages between Spain and Gibraltar, so you can cross the border either by car or on foot. The most remarkable thing is that during the border crossing between Gibraltar and Spain, you will also have to cross the local airport runway, which simply could not be placed on the peninsula, practically fully consisting of the cliff.

On the border you will definitely ask the passport, where the Schengen Multivise should be present, or the British visa, and you will need to answer the question - for how many days you came to Gibraltar. If you suddenly decide to stay there, then you will need to demonstrate the hotel reservation, or call the name of this hotel. You will immediately put a stamp, which will present the number of days and it will definitely check during your exit from the peninsula.

170 kilometers from Malaga is the beautiful city of Seville. On the way here you will spend about two hours, because the distance is 170 kilometers, the roads are all free there. Seville is an ancient city with excellent architecture, there is almost everywhere there is a Moorish style from the form of windows and doors to the minaret of the twelfth century, which later was turned into a bell tower and became a symbol of the city.

Here is the largest Gothic Cathedral in Europe, which is adjacent to such a miracle of architecture, like Seville Alcazar -News a luxurious palace, which was built and rebuilt for 700 years. He is under the protection of UNESCO, and perhaps you saw him in the TV series "Games of Thrones" because all the Palace scenes of Dorn were filmed here. In addition to the monuments of the past Seville, they are famous for its stormy nightlife, which boils here almost all year round. And in the area called Santa Cruz you can visit dozens of bars with the best Spanish wines. In the same place in the boiling trian, the Flamenko dance was originated, it dances everywhere - on squares, in bars and theaters. If you want to visit the bull fight in the arena in Seville, he passes there in October, in April and the time of various local holidays.

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Also, we must attend Granada. There is approximately one hour and a half at one end, the distance is 126 kilometers, the roads are also free. Granada lies near the foot of Sierra Nevada Mountains and all guests fascinates with his puff barring churches, the aroma of thousands of orange trees and masterpieces of the Mudjar architecture. Literally in the center of Granada, the medieval Moorish fortress of Alhambra rises, which in the rays of the setting sun acquires a crimson tint.

From its walls, you can admire a beautiful view of the mountains and the city. Also in Granada, there is a summer palace of Sultan Henellife with many fountains, swimming pools and a magnificent garden, which is located near the foot of the fortress. And of course you need to see a huge cathedral, which is located in the center of the city - it began to build it back in 1505, in principle, as a monument to liberation from Mauris and then completed for 200 years. Well, literally a few steps from him there is a royal chapel - a gothic architecture masterpiece, which is buried as much as the eight kings of Spain.

The next city that can be visited is Cordoba. There is approximately 2 hours to go, because the distance is 158 kilometers. This city was founded by the ancient Romans and in the tenth century he was considered one of the intellectual centers of Europe. Cordoba perfectly remembers how the Jews, Christians and Muslims live in peace and harmony on her land. And, oddly enough, the most important historical monument of Cordoba is the cathedral mosque of the Mesquite, which is included in the list of 12 architectural wonders of Spain.

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In fact, before this place, an ancient Roman pagan temple was located, which was later rebuilt into the Christian church. And already in the eighth century, by order of the ruling caliph, a huge mosque was built in her place, which in 1236 after the seizure of the city of the Spaniards was consecrated and turned into a cathedral. Among the monuments of Cordoba can also be called synagogue, which is located in the Jewish quarter and the Roman bridge, which is more than 2,000 years.

The synagogue in Cordoba is notable for the fact that it is one of the three perfectly surrendered in pristine on the territory of Spain, an exquisite carving, openwork arches and unique ornaments remained inside it. Well, the visiting card of the city is, of course, Alcazar is the fortress of the Christian kings, which was rebuilt from the Muvrov Fortress. This fortress became famous for the fact that it was from here the King Ferdinand along with the queen Isabella led his troops to win the Granada at Mavrov than in essence and completed the centuries-old dominion of this people in Spain. In the same palace, Queen Isabella received Columbus, who asked that she sponsoring a maritime expedition to India.

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