What is better for rest - Limassol or Paphos?


If you carefully look at the map of Europe, then the island of Cyprus can generally find it - it seems completely tiny, but we must not forget that at the same time in the tourist industry of the world it is pretty important place. There are a large number of the most diverse resort cities that are similar to each other, but something is drastically different. Sometimes before tourists there is such a question - what is the best city to choose Limassol or Paphos for your holiday. In order to answer this question, it is necessary to compare resorts in all separate positions, for example, on such as beaches, attractions and entertainment.

In Limassol, the best beaches are the best - sandy or sandy and pebble, and the feature of the sand on these beaches is that it has volcanic origins. Since its composition has flock, the rest in Limassol on the beach becomes some light healing effect. Almost all the beaches of Limassol have a gentle descent to the sea, and the beach infrastructure is well developed here - you can ride the hydrocycles, on boats, on boats and engage in aquaaerobics.

What is better for rest - Limassol or Paphos? 32967_1

But the beaches of Paphos in this regard are lagging behind Limassol. There is, of course, and sandy with a comfortable sunset in the sea, and there are excellent sites for relaxing near the sea. But on the other hand, there are a lot of rocky beaches at the resort of Paphos, on which it is not too convenient to relax and quite difficult to descend to water. This is primarily due to the fact that the resort originally focused on German tourists who rarely go to the sea and prefer to swim in the pools. The best beach in Paphos, its locals are usually called Coral Bay, however, all tourists who have rested there, with this statement fully agree. Even very pretty and even romantic beach landscapes can be seen in such a cove as Lara.

In Limassol entertainment, there are a lot - they will find here for parents with young children, and for adult companies, and for active youth. And young tourists, in addition to the beach recreation, can have fun in water parks, where there are a variety of slides, swimming pools and water attractions. Adult tourists adore Limassol for simply a huge number of festivals that are organized here in the summer.

If you rest at this resort in the summer, you can quite visit a concert of some outstanding musician or become a participant in a large theatrical action. September Month is not only the velvet season in Limassol, but also the time of holding one of the most interesting cultural and entertainment events, which is the fault festival. For sports young people in the resort there will be a lot of ways to have fun - these are all sorts of clubs, and Dancengi, and discos, as well as various playing sports.

Well, in Paphos, you can not only rest well, but also to get acquainted with ancient sights. For this, for example, you can visit the ancient theater of Odeon, which has been preserved in the resort from ancient times. Today it is not only an ancient historical monument, but also an active theatrical platform. Also, all guests in Paphos are visited by the Aphrodite bathing, because here, in ancient legend, the marine goddess appeared from the foam. Unfortunately, in our days, modern beauties will not be able to swim here, because it is rather unsafe. However, you can visit some ancient temple, which was erected in honor of this ancient Greek legendary person.

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In Limassol, many historical structures have also been preserved and during a walk around the city you will be able to familiarize yourself with such architectural raisins as the ruins of the local Acropolis and, for example, Christian Basilica. Also in the vicinity of this resort there are ruins of two ancient cities in policies. So modern tourists will be able to see the ancient cities of Amatus and Kurion if desired, and even more accurately, the fact that remained from their former greatness.

Paphos is generally considered a venue for the concentration of ancient shrines -Monastra complexes and temples, and many antiquities, which are located in this city are under the protection of the UNESCO World Organization. For example, the Complex "Royal Graves" is generally considered one of the most popular places at this resort. This underground necropolis causes a rather strange feeling, but we can make sure that the tombstones are made here with incredible skill and can be considered real masterpieces.

So if we compare the individual components of rest at such Cypriot resorts as Limassol and Paphos, then you can come to the following conclusions. In principle, each of these resorts in something is good in its own way, and the traveler can safely find here and the hotel to his taste and entertainment in interest, and the attractions that he long wanted to see.

Limassol is basically choosing those guests of Cyprus, who know about its excellent location and the opportunity to easily reach anyone interested in the sights of the island, where tourists can relax, who dream of combining a relaxed holiday on the sea with an active visit to the water parks, those who love participation in various theatrical And musical events, well, of course, those who would like to learn about the ancient history of the island and about his rich cultural traditions. Paphos choose mostly those travelers who are not afraid of rocky beaches who want to visit some antique play who adore pilgrim tourism, and those who want to meet with Aphrodite or at least wander into the places where she has ever It was born.

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