Tourist routes in Cambodia


For your trip to Cambodia to go as successful as possible, the route is certainly better to plan and work in advance. That is, it is necessary to approximately imagine how it should happen a trip and what famous sights you would like to explore. Cambodia is essentially poor, but but having a rich history. To date, it can be distinguished by three main tourist destinations, both for active trips and beach holidays.

In the first place, of course, to put the temples of Angkor and Siem Rip. This is essentially the symbol of the magnifies of the Khmer Empire and the real miracle of medieval architecture. In general, we can say that it is Angkor Wat with other temples of the ancient Khmers are considered the most important attractions, which, as a rule, consider tourists, and it is they bring the biggest money to the country's budget at the present time.

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The next direction is the capital of the country the city of Phnom Penh, where you must certainly visit museums and see the dancing of Apsar. Here you will see modern Cambodia, which is present on the embankment and the streets of the city. Also nearby is Phnom Penh, you must visit the former capital of Cambodia. Udong city. There is a very beautiful temple located on the hill. Also nearby, in the province of Tajo, there are small in the size of the temples of the tenangcore period, which are essentially a much older than the temples of Angkor.

Well, the third direction is Sihanoukville - this is the best place for a beach holiday in Cambodia. Despite the fact that Cambodia's beaches in no way compare with the beaches of Maldives, nevertheless experienced travelers claim that they are much better than in Thai Pattaya. Sihanoukville should naturally leave on the end of the route, so that after a busy tourist trip to the historic attractions to relax and relax on the beach.

Not far from Sihanoukville there is an interesting province of Campot, which is the birthplace of famous black peppers, as well as the resort town of Kep, where the French were resting in ancient times. Now this town is a relaxing youth resorts, where you can easily settle in the houses from Bamboo. Another popular destination in Cambodia has recently been the city of Pailin and Battambang, who are considered the birthplace of Cambodian gems.

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Also, in the presence of free time, you can visit in the eastern province of Cambodia Ratanakiri and Mondolkiri, where you can get acquainted with the life of ordinary Khmer, to which civilization, if it goes, is very slow. Only now to visit these natural attractions along with the mountain tribes is still better with an experienced guide, since there are still someone who remained not broken mini after the war.

So, the first short route is drawn up for three days for a very fluid acquaintance with Cambodia. First, arrival in Siem Rip by bus, or arrive at the aircraft to Angcard Airport. The second day is completely devoted to the inspection of the temples of Angkor or in a small circle, or by the large circle. On the third day, you can visit Bangkok, arriving there from Siem Ripa by bus or taxi, or see other temples of Angkor, and then fly to Bangkok on the aircraft in the evening.

The next route is designed for 7-10 days. It allows not only to get acquainted with the main attractions of the country, but also a little relaxed on the beach. That is, again we come to the city of Siem Rip and we take three days to visit the temples of the Angkor. Then we allocate one day in order to get acquainted with the Cambodia Cambodia. Well, everything else can be devoted to rest on Sihanoukville beaches. Also, do not forget that you will need for some time to move between cities, and all this will depend on the transport that you are at your own desire. You can choose the aircraft - it is faster, but more expensive, but you can choose a bus - it is inexpensive, but it goes very long.

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The following route provides for acquaintance with Cambodia within two weeks. Thus, you can learn about this country much more and do not rush when inspecting temples and major attractions. For example, a visit to the main temples of the Angkor can, so to speak, stretch from 4 to 5 days and even at the same time to visit the famous temple of Prea Vikhaa, because of which Cambodia and Thailand actually fight.

Also, with such a situation, you will have time to visit the death pyramid Koh Ker, inspect the Atmospheric Temple of Beng Melia and go on a tour of Lake Tonleshap to admire floating villages. Then two days you can give inspection of the attractions of Phnom Penh, go to the deaths of death and visit the former capital of Cambodia City Udong. Well, all the rest of the time to devote to rest at one of the numerous beaches of Sihanoukville, as well as go to the islands and to the Ruha National Park.

The following route is designed for 3 weeks. Thus, you can add additional cities to the main routes along with attractions. First you will spend 5 in Siem Ripe to explore the neighbor and some even from the long-range temples of Angkor. At the same time, you can add Mount Kulelen to them, or Kbal Spean and the river thousands of Lingamov. Three days can then be held in Phnom Penh - visit the Royal Palace, Silver Pagoda, go to UDGA, to the province of Tajo with its old temples, for which it will be possible to even hire a driver, so as not to rummage to ride there all day or even two. Then 4 days can be held in the province of Campot, see how there are growing their famous fragrant peppers, relax in the tropical village of Kep and then go to the hare island to Toncey, as well as climb the mountains to the Bogor National Park. Then 3-4 days to relax on the beaches of Sihanoukville and on the islands nearby, well, and one day to leave in order to visit the city of Battambang.

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