Main Mosque Manavgata


In general, all tourists who drive from Antalya on the road through the city of Manavgat, make their attention to the incredibly majestic mosque, having four high minarets. It is simply impossible not to see it, because it is located near the highway. This central mosque in Manavgate is called Merkez Külliye Camii, and it was built relatively recently - only in 2004.

She simply has a huge size - 9000 square meters, besides, it has four middle and 27 small domes, but the height of the main dome of the mosque is 30 meters. Then I must say that this mosque is one of the few who possess four minarets, which allowed her in essence to become the largest on the entire Antalya coast. Each minaret having a height of 60 meters has three balconies. Inside the mosque is incredibly beautifully decorated in extraordinary light blue and blue colors and it consists of two floors, and the top is designed exclusively for women.

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The architectural style in which the mosque is built, in general, was mostly characteristic of the era of Ottomans and Seljuk. It is noteworthy that the main part of the painted mosaic that decorates the mosque from the inside is hand-made work. Also, the whole year left almost in order to make carved doors. Then the construction was used 500 cubic meters of concrete and another 250 tons of iron. All work on the construction of the mosque was made exclusively at the expense of donated funds, the total cost of this construction is 3 billion Turkish lira. To date, the mosque is not only an important spiritual center of the city, but also a popular tourist object. For the year he is visited by the order of half a million people.

When you only come to the mosque, you immediately first see a special place for washing, incredibly fabulously decorated. In essence, this is a real mini palace. The fact is that in Islam according to traditions before entering the mosque, it is necessary to make a ritual ablution. To do this, there is a large fountain, which from afar resembles a large stone flower.

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But around the circumference of this very stone flower there are small personal chairs, that is, it is quite thought out for the convenience of parishioners, literally to the smallest detail. Opposite each of these chairs there is a crane from which water comes. But before entering the entrance, each visitor must certainly arouse, for which there are convenient racks for shoes and wooden shops are located everywhere. Women should certainly cover their knees, head and bare shoulders. If suddenly there is no such clothing, then especially at the entrance there is a chest, where everyone can take for a time to visit the mosque for the missing wardrobe items.

The mosque inside is unusually bright and when you get there, then immediately captures the spirit from magnificent beauty, from light, space and magnificent interior decoration. Lights the mosque with the help of daylight through the windows and also a big chandelier that hangs from the ceiling looks extraordinarily majestically and very beautiful. All walls of the mosque inside are decorated with unusually beautiful patterns with some delicious motifs. Basically, flower, twigs are depicted, or just geometric patterns.

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The floor in the mosque is fully covered with carpets, on which you can see individual prayers. Exactly the same rugs lie on the second floor for women and the same on the first for men. Everything is simply provided for comfort and convenience of praying. Thus, each believer has its own although small, but the personal space in the form of a kind of bright rectangle. At the exit from the mosque there is a rack with religious publications, and everyone can take everything completely free of charge. All visitors visiting the mosque leaves the sense of incredible peace and feeling familiar with the beautiful.

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