Cadiz - town on the edge of the world


In a small resort cadis on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean, we arrived just a few days, but would have been the opportunity to stay on the longest. This is an incredibly beautiful and cozy town in which you feel at home. It is not very popular with foreigners, and in the February unreasoning so and in general there were few people. But the air temperature is quite so-so summer, it was +20 degrees, especially brave people sunbathe and even bathed in the icy ocean.

Cadiz is essentially an island separated from the mainland only the bridge. Therefore, some call him the city on the edge of the world. What is necessary to do in this place? Close to the viewing tower of the Cathedral. The cost of entry into the cathedral and the tower - 7 euros. But it's worth it! From there in all directions, it opens just an incredible view of the white houses of the old center, the port and the endless blue ocean.

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I really liked the ancient theater - one of the oldest in Spain. It's nice that about heritage people take care of, walking on the old stones themselves is prohibited, but there is a specially equipped observation deck. From the theater you can just walk with narrow white streets and enjoy the beautiful old architecture.

I highly recommend to eat fresh seafood and fish in the local market. It was there that I fell in love with the roasted tuna. For 8 euros, you can get pages 10 selected pieces of fish, frightened directly with you. They are served in a paper wrap, which may not look very aesthetic, but incredibly tasty!

You can have breakfast in the cafe with traditional Spanish breakfast for 3.5 euros. You can look at the store Sabor Espana - all sorts of traditional sweets are sold there, and it's just incredibly all delicious! It is located near the central market.

And of course the beaches. The best is the beach of La Caleta, from which it goes far into the sea Pierce with a cool castle at the end.

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The entrance to the territory of the castle was closed all the days, but even just walking deep into the sea - very impressive. Cadiz is the perfect town for recreation. You can not go to walk on it. It is also possible to go for one day from Seville or Malaga - it will take no more than 2 hours of driving.

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